
I mean no disrespect to you guys, but is it true that since indian man cant' have contact with girls till ...?

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marriage practice kissing and holding hands (and who knows what else) with other guys!!???? i was told this by someone who whent to india and seen it on movies, how true is that?




  1. its not like that..its just that the boyz as well as gals are scared to do so....but luv stories are really prominent in schools more than old school i think can set a hold hands though they neva kiss in public

  2. Thats wrong ...  

  3. it isnt true at all. you know what young india is rising up.and we young people dont respect too much of traditions we are practical so here is no such thing like you stated. it maybe that your friend met a 40 year old uncle so she gathered such info iam 16 and i know what i and my friends are like, so are you clear?

  4. yes it is true

  5. i do not think so most indian are become western so it can possible

  6. there is a lot of diffrence btw 'its not considered good' and 'its not done'.

    your friend must be dreaming the movie and the country..otherwise Indian movie these days have reached the heights of obscenity and Indian youth has reached the height of folly and transgression/obeying no limits

  7. HI.. Thats absolutely not true ...


  8. RUBBISH!!!! Abosolute Rubbish..... Kissing between guys normal????? what the???? Hey whoever told you its wrong..... it may look like guys get along well and group together etc.... but no g*y activity.... they may be few in isolation.... So, your friend told you its tradition???? hahahahaha

  9. See your g**s to total poppulation ratio.-------(1)

    then see our g**s to total population ratio .......(2)

    in your case it is 15 % where as in our case it is less then 0.005 % .Your friend has got it all WRONG  else we hould have been atleast 50% g**s !

  10. Yes, it is Indian culture & you can't do anything until you are married.

  11. well some families with people who are frm orthodox background, follow tradition tht boy and girls  cannot chose there soulmates, its chosen by parents... but this thing now seldom exists ,,and it does only in few remote villages and very few families staying in cities follow it,,,

    well almost every boy and girls have girlfriends/boyfriends respectively,,and they always choose who will they marry and be for entie life,, . every thing is different now,kissing ,and all is practiced by  every one b4 marriage here too,,,

    and it was jst a movie, so it can be shown over there,,, u cant associate it with real life.

    and being g*y and all, homosexuality exists every where as u surely know and will accept,, so .. ... i hope u got it now.

    trust me im Indian.

    not only u ,none of us feel like being traditional, coz its sick,,  


    abt the time of the civil war.....

    i think americans were not err... going around holding hands n kissing ppl generally...

    society was more stringent then...n respect meant minimal contact

    if u disagree read "gone with the wind"


    india is sort of like tat...

    but i think the urban population dun really follow these orthodox views..

    ive had many bf's n ive known ppl having bf's too.

    v r jus more conservative than ur country

    its part of our tradition

    n ur questions r all confused up...

    i suggest u understand things properly...esp the homosexuality part b4 pasting ur no-doubt "greatly valued" opinions

    "yet when they turn g*y it not ok they are g*y, cause that would be a sin?"

    homosexuality is a sin in christian religion NOT in hindusm

    nobody "turns" g*y.

    half knowledge is a dangerous thing

  13. no thats wrong and u r friend has seen a wrong person in india . the indians also date girls do u know that>?

  14. Please come to India with a gang of you.

    We Indians have no idea of moral values.

    Please come here to teach your good values.

    Is the west have done any thing good for the World?

    Science and Technology is not  only the life.

  15. Well, I'm Indian & it does not come across disrespect to me, its your curiosity. Its not that Indians "can't" have contact till marriage but its "considered" better not to have. Thats a culture, parents are just concerned for their children. Its not a matter of right/ wrong, just a realization of what is good for you & whats not. Its a democratic country, so no such thing!

  16. Its true, due to the tradition. We respect & proud of it !!!!!!!!!

  17. can`t get the question plz describe more.

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