
I meant if my last period was July 25th when can I test

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I meant if my last period was July 25th when can I test




  1. August 23 or later should be accurate. That is when you should have your next period. Or try 5 days earlier using EPT or Clear blue  

  2. my last period also started july 25th!  chances are you only ovulated a few days ago so definitely wait until aug 25.  I wouldn't test beforehand unless you have all sorts of symptoms.  good luck to you!!  :D

  3. We are almost in the same boat my last period was july18, you should wait 5 days before your period or one day after it. Good Luck

  4. I would wait and test the 21st of August.  I tested once with this pregnancy a few days before I expected my period and it was negative....a few days later I took another and the line was faint.  I was disappointed when the first was negative b/c I was sure I was pregnant.  Save yourself the disappointment and wait.

  5. i would wait for your missed period. so around aug 25.

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