
I meant to ask this at the orthodontist today but I forgot (braces)?

by  |  earlier

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I just got my braces off today and my gums are a tiny bit swollen. Is this normal? Should it go down? Should I be worried? Thanks.




  1. mine did the same when i got mine off years back. give it a week or so.  

  2. no it shouldn't be a problem but if the swelling doesn't go down i think you should go back. congrats on getting braces off.

  3. Yeah that's fine. Make sure you continue to brush your teeth well and your gums (but not too hard). I got mine off two weeks ago! It feels FABULOUS! Congrats to you!

    EDIT: I want to be your contact, but you want an email first. Can you allow emails on your page? Thanks! I love that thing on your page by the way!

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