
I mess up everything?

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well ive had so much happen in my life as a kid things were good till my dad left then things went down hill. then things got kinda better but then some stuf happen with my friends and i ended up with like no friends and things got realy bad but there better now but im realy scared everythings going to get messed up again i always mess everything up i no longer no what to do i cry myself to sleep most nights coz of worry i could never tell anyone but the fear is taking over my life someone please help i cant do it any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. First and foremost you need to take a deep breath and calm down.  There are always going to be times in your life that things don't work out or you feel like you messed something up beyond reconciliation. You have to just take a breath and handle things one at a time.  You might want to talk to a DR about anxiety or depression.  People sometimes don't even take anxiety problems seriously but it can eventually lead to other serious emotional handicaps.  I think you need to seek out help either with a Psychotherapist.  This doesn't mean your crazy.  Just read the definition of what they do.  I hope all is well!

  2. Don't worry man. Everyone makes mistakes, both big and small. If everyone was perfect they wouldn't put erasers on pencils.

  3. Your father leaving is not your fault, it was his.
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