
I messed up big time! HELP! FIRST ANSWER GETS BA!!!?

by Guest11003  |  earlier

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Okay well there was this girl i liked and in the begining of the yr she seemed cool. Like she would ask her friend what to do for a class and than she would ask me and her friend would b like hey u just asked me and i told u and she'd b like well he seems like he knows wat he's doing. And 1 day my friend wasn't in class and i asked her if she knew if he was here today. And she said no and said is he even ur friend cuz all he ever does is make fun of u and threaten u i was like ya he's my friend and than she said he makes fun of her too. So i asked him if he did and he said he has never made fun of her. And i sat behind her once in class and she kept talking too me after class was over about stuff and we had a lot of laughs. And in another class i was looking for colored pencils and she was there too and she asked me what color i was looking for and i was like i have no clue. Another day i asked her if a teacher ever said nething about J period english and she said ya he said u guys were the worse and she's just kiding nah he didn't say nething. I saw her after school once and she started talking too me. ANd one day my friend tricked me into calling her and i did and from tht moment on she never talked to me ever again. I was hurt so i acted perverted to get her attn but tht bak fired. cuz her friend said she said she mite go out with me if i wasn't so perverted. I was only doing g*y walks while touching myself towards my friends. And than her friend told me she didn't like me. Oh and apparently she thought i was a stalker. Did i s***w up? did she even like me b4?




  1. she probably liked u before, now ur just creeping her out.

  2. id say she did, hey just talk to her maturely. try build it back up again dude.  

  3. you went from:

    Possible boyfriend


    Creepy g*y stalker who touches himself in public.

    you should fix that.

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