
I messed up in my job interview and lied about my GPA.?

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i messed up in my job interview and lied about my they need to see the transcript when i go in to start on monday..

i feel like such an idiot.. why did i lie anyway to begin with??

its for a simple lab tech positon i have a 2.6 gpa but when she asked i was like about 2.8.......stupid me ..gave me the job..and sent me an email telling me what i should bring wit me on monday...a transcript from my doesnt have to be official just something you print from the net thru the school website..

i know the person that i interviewed wrote down what gpa i said i had and they're probably gonna check.. should i even bother going on monday? .. im feeling like i shouldnt even show up and turn off my cell..cuz they're probably gonna try to call me. life is going down the s*****r so fast that im just like what the ****




  1. Dont let go off the job ,go in on monday and tell her around noon time thats u were nervous and u oversold ur self so atleats she will respect that you are coming in clean and being honest.

    atleast u try and good luck  

  2. You have the job. Just turn in the transcript and they probably won't even look at it. Act cool.

  3. why did you do that i mean you shouln't lie you should just be urself trust me i know

  4. Just go in there with your transcript and talk to the person.  There is a chance that they will not really notice since it is only .2 difference.  If you make a good impression and seem confident you will probably get the job anyway.  If they ask you about it just play it off as a mistake.  You should be fine as long as you don't get too worked up about it and seem really nervous when you go in on Monday.  

  5. WOW that SUCKS. My brother did that once.

    Well yo have a couple options:

    1.) Go anyways and not say ANYTHING about the GPA. If they DO bring it up, just say you thought you said 2.6, and APLOGIZE afterwards too lol. Basically play dumb. What, are they gonna do? fire you for .2 grade points? Nah.

    2.) Do what you said, but honestly that's unprofessional (weird comin from me, I'm going to be a senior in high school) and will look bad. At least call them and tlel them nevermind.

    3.) GO without your transscript, so when they ask again what your GPA was just don't lie this time.

    4.) Go bonkers, go out and buy a blade, carefully change your GPA using this blade. Also use a pen. THis is only if you totally snap though, and it more than likely won't work.

    Anyways the best you cando is just pretend you didn't lie, act all innocent. And if that doesn't work, APOLOGIZE like it's the only thing you know how to do, but I'm seriously sure they won't care thatmuch.

    Anyways good luck!

    Hope i (somehow?) helped.

  6. Like most people said, you would be surprised how little GPA matters. First of all, they probably won't take the time to go back and check once you got the job. Second of all, it is .2 is one thing if you said you graduated Magna *** Laude and really had a 2.103.....but .2 points is nothing.

    But honestly if I was in HR, .2 points is small enough that you could say that maybe you just forgot the exact number and estimated. I seriously wouldn't worry about it...just turn in the paperwork and don't mention any of it and the chances are you won't hear anything about it. The worst case scenario is they confront you about it, you tell them you made a mistake and forgot the actual number, and that will be that. But I would not tell them you lied, that would be the deal-breaker.

  7. jst go say yu were estimating

    give it a shot/ better than not going at all

  8. is there anyway you can call the person doing the interview and tell them you made a mistake instead of saying you lied. because usually if you lie your done for.  

  9. AL S...Man I am telling you they won't trip off of that!'s not like you said a 4.0 and bring in a transcript with 2.6 they will not get rid of you just because of that! won them over with the interview...your personality did it...they want you to bring the transcript in just to make sure you have one and you have the education you claim to have...know what I if someone says bring in your diploma...they just want to make sure you have graduated like you's no big up and look professional and do what you are taught and you will be great in no time! is about tests, right now you feel down and we have all been there but don't stay there!...goout and live...your going to be someone great!

  10. First of all, the term 'lie' indicates intent; so it wasn't a simple mistake.  Just bring in the transcript, tell them the truth and apologize profusely.  They might or might not fire you, but it will still be better than if they find out later.

    Incidentally, if you're working in a lab that kind of numerical 'error' might be significant - accuracy and honesty are important.  Depending on the error and what you do in that lab, someone might actually get hurt next time.  If you manage to keep your job, please keep that in mind.  Good luck!

  11. Not showing up and turning off your cell phone will only make you look worse in the eyes of the manager or boss of the position you applied for. I know you are embarrassed by the fib you told but this is a good experience to learn from.

    I would go in on Monday with your transcript and tell them directly, "I made a mistake about my GPA" Or don't say anything at and show them the papers they are requesting. They may bring it up or they may not, you never know. You could still be able to keep the job! Don't give up so easily. If you do end up losing the job, chalk it up to a learning experience and apply for the next job and don't lie!

  12. who care 2.8 or 2.6 it close enough and who really give a d**n about GPA 2.6 any way that not even worth mention.  If they give you hard time about it ...tell 'em all go the h**l.

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