
I messed up my eyebrows...oops!?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike eyebrow is kinda skinnier than the other and has more of an arch figure to it. what do i do now? my other brow is good, so..should i just wait for the other one to grow out and then get it wax or should i try to fix the good brow?

p.s how long does it take them to grow out? one month??




  1. just let it grow up, dont mess with it

  2. my grandma did the same thing muaha!

  3. ooh that's no fun!

    my friend used to pull on her eyebrows whenever she was stressed lol.

    so we went to CVS and bought an eyebrow pencil to match her brow color and filled in the missing spot.

    how thin is your thinnest brow?

    if it's not too too thin, then maybe you should make them match. although it probably isn't very noticeable.

    it depends for some people's eyebrows to grow at certain paces. someone told me that sometimes they never grow back! but i'm not sure if that's true. how fast does the hair on your head grow? your eyebrows will probably grow the same speed as your hair.

    if your eyebrows aren't very dark, then you could probably just ignore it and it will grow back sooner or later.

    i have very light blond hair so some people think i don't even have eyebrows! hahaha

    good luck, and just remember- it's hair- it WiLL grow back! =D

  4. Once my mom was waxing me and she took off a piece of my eyebrow! I just took some eye shadow closest to my eye brown color and wiated for it to grow back. Just do that it will be fine.  

  5. fix it with a cosmetic marker

  6. well, what you could do is use a liner and fill your eyebrow in. practice doing that for a bit until it looks for natural. if you don't want to do that, you could just get someone who is a bit more skilled (:P) to fix the other eyebrow.  

  7. wear a mask...

  8. Uh-oh.Don't worry it happens to everyone(don't you watch reality tv?)You should have two different kinds of foundation or concealer (for this concealer works better but you barely ever need concealer for anything else)one that is two tones lighter than your skin and yellowish the other one should be about your skin tone.Put a dime sized amount of the one that's your skin tone on your finger and blend it in to your eyebrow.After that, take a eyebrow corrector and make small little lines on your eyebrows in the shape of an eyebrow.

  9. it take 4 to 6 weeks for them to grow out

  10. OMG so it looks like you're giving the "stink eye" now, right?

  11. yes it will take 1 month to grow out

    Get a eye liner pencil the same color as your eyebrows and pencil that in.

  12. Hey, Death diva, be really careful tweezing your brows.  The follicles can become "fatigued" and the hairs will not grow back - EVER.

    You don't want to be a little, old lady who draws yours in because you over-tweezed them and you're "bald" now - do you??

    Just draw in until the one grows back...

  13. Do NOT try and fix the other one. You could mess up again and end up with no eyebrows.

    Wait for it to grow out, and use some eyebrow pencil to make them appear even in the meantime.

    You should see it grown back in a couple weeks, maybe sooner.

  14. I don't know how long it takes to grow back, but you definitely need to step back and put those tweezers down!  

    If you pluck too much all at once, or over and over again... you can ruin your brows and the hairs will NOT grow back the same.  

    I think you should leave the good one alone, and leave the not so good one alone, and when the hair grows back fix them to match each other.  It would probably be best to go to someone if you are scared about s******g it up again.

    Remember - DROP those TWEEZERS!

    Thanks for reading!

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