
I messed up my hair. I cut it wrong. Please help. (pics?)?

by  |  earlier

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I was angry. So I cut my bangs out of frustration. But I accidentally cut them WAY too short. So I don't know what to do. There like so short that when I try to clip them they fall out of the clip. Should I just let them grow, and when there grown cut them normally? Or should I go to a professional and have them cut even?

I don't know what to do. I look like a freak!

I'm so depressed right now, I'm so stupid.


Feel free to LMAO ROTFLOL LOL or anything.




  1. first of all, you do not look like a freak and you are not stupid!  just go to a beauty shop and ask them to fix them. they will tell you what needs to be done. and personally, i dont think they look that bad.

  2. that is not bad at all....its the block bangs...

    the only thing i can tell ya is to make sure they are straight. i saw some were longer then the others, so make sure its even, it would look really good with layers rounding your face. its not bad i expected your bangs to be be cut waaaay up. good luck

  3. Noooo.

    you dont look like a freak.

    I LOVE it.

    It looks like a block fringe cut.


    dont freak out. its good =]

  4. Just spike your bangs straight up and it will look awesome.  



    i think you would look better with bangs

  6. It actually looks cute!

    Ya know what, just clean yourself up, you'll feel better.

  7. heres a video..........

  8. I don't think there's anything you can do right now. You should straighten the rest of your hair, it'll look better.

    Might end up looking like that, which doesn't look too bad.

  9. Oh my gosh! Poor you! It doesn't look bad to me, but I can feel your pain. I've had hair problems too!

    Try using a headband until they grow out. You can get some super cute ones at forever 21.

    Or you can buy a hat(it's almost fall anyway)

    Or just pin them back with lots of bobby pins, and spritz with hairspray. My mag(seventeen) says that pinned back hair is really good trend for fall

    Can you answer mine please:;...

  10. Your the first to cut your bang and cut them to short but your in luck. This season, short, choppy bangs are all the rage.  You won't believe how many girls I have wanting theirs done just like that.  I did notice that your hair is very heavy. You can do several things.. first, you can let them be and let them grow, or you can go and get them thinned and straightened a bit. Check this out...

    If I was cutting your hair, I would tell you to thin them and leave them choppy.  It's a great look on you.. you just have to believe it..  This is a trick that can help you cope and it has nothing to do with hair. Apply makeup to your eyes to play them up, it draws the attention away from the bangs. Also wearing a bright color lip with a more natural eye will do the same.  Your a pretty girl... It's only a mistake if you think it is, tell everyone you wanted them choppy and wear them proud... using a little pomade on the end to separate them.. :)

  11. aww.. its ok. you look fine

  12. its ok but trey an ask a spealist or a hair salon thell help you

  13. I'm not going to laugh, or freak out.  Most of us have been there.  Just because I am a professional, doesn't mean that I haven't messed up on myself a time or two.  Do not cut anymore.  I would recommend getting a good hair wax to use with your hair clips.  The wax will help to hold your hair in place.  It will give your clips a little traction.  Your bangs are going to grow out pretty fast.  Within 2 or 3 weeks, you will probably feel better about them.

  14. just go to a stylist they'll kno exactly what to do trust me

  15. They look fine.  You could have a stylist soften them by doing some texturizing to them so they are whispy and not so thick and also so that they blend in with your hair so it looks more professionally cut.

  16. freak?

    that doesnt look


    dont be too worried cuz no one else


    but if it still makes you feel

    like a freak i would go and get your

    hair cut

    (by a pro)

    && maybe they can give u another

    hairstyle to

    work with you new bangs


  17. It doesn't look as bad as you think.

    Try using an alice band/hairband to keep it back, so nothing will fall out of place. Bangs grow quickly, they will be back to "normal" length before you know it. Honestly though, It doesn't even look bad! You could go to a professional if it made you feel better (which it probably will) but I don't think there's any need :)

  18. u look fine

    ppl answer mine plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  19. I don't think it's that bad..or that short..if you feel the need to go to a stylist, then do so. But I think growing them out would be fine too.

  20. they actually don't look soooo bad :)

    pretend like you did it on purpose.

    just tell everyone you were going for a subtle alyssa milano look....

    don't worry, bangs grow fast....

    i would take the scissors and point them straight up and make them look a little more edgier so it looks like it was done on purpose....  (instead of straight across)....

    dont cut the length, just edge them up a bit....

    but other than that, i have seen A LOT worse :D

    you'll be okay.

    good luck :)

  21. It dosen't look that bad. Pluck up the courage and go to a hair salon, they will do something and make it look better than it does. I like it. DON'T CUT YOUR HAIR WHEN YOU'RE MAD!!!!!!!! Listen to music, scream into a pillow......etc.

  22. Go to a stylist, they will know exactly what to do. Tell them what you don't want, then let them do their job. and personally I think your hair would look really cute with a shoulder-length bob.

  23. well uhmmm they dont look that bad.

    id suggest dnt cut them any shorter cuz their short enuf so just let them grow and later try again to cut them better next time :D

  24. Well, It's really not as bad as you think! :)

    You just make it look worse by looking so upset in the picture!! haha

    You'll be ok.


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