
I met an egyptian man on holiday that worked in the hotel that i stayed in?

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and i really like him and he seems to like me too. i am planning on going back to see him again soon. should i leave it as holiday romance or take a risk and believe that he is genuine and not just sweet talking me and is after what he can get.




  1. He's probably doing the same thing now with some other poor sod.

  2. Wake up and smell the coffee! Holiday's over, now back to reality! Let him get on with chatting up the next week's guests, a good sideline for many hotel employees in impoverished countries.  


    Did he ask you for a pair of jeans, Nikes, or cell phone yet???


  4. Do what you want but if he mentions marriage and visa, run!

  5. The chances are this would never work, sorry to be pessimistic.  The religion and cultural differences usually get in the way, ie. he wouldn't be allowed to date you anyway probably.  Plus, unfortunately you hear stories about people from those sort of countries going after British women etc just to get married and to then be able to get out of their own country/poverty.  Long distance relationships are possible but they have added difficulties.  I would look closer to home.  Your soul mate is out there somewhere but I would be surprised if its the Egyptian fella.

  6. may be he is just doing his job , and doing the same with other lady now. Forget about him

  7. It's probably some holiday romance, Don't take it too seriously, after all he might just want a visa out of Egypt

  8. examine this situation and use your mind and heart Together .

    no one can advise you without knowing both of you .

  9. Proceed cautiously!

    One of the beautiful things about Egyptians is that they are sweet talkers.

    I have worked there for 3 years now.

    It is a very refreshing thing yet can have its bite.

    But also I want to add that I am allowing my daughter to marry an Egyptian in Egypt and he dad and I will be there next week for the wedding.

    We have a great son-in-law!

    All I am saying is to really look closely.

  10. Believe what you like, but I can't believe that people actually fall for this - he was probably onto his next piece of skirt before you got to the airport.

  11. Been there, done this about ten minutes ago - he wants a passport to the UK - not YOU.

    Move on - accept what you are being told and listen to us.

    You are not the first this week to be conned

  12. No one can tell you how he feels except your senses.. they are the judge and the jury

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