
I met someone here and I find her nice. We have been exchanging emails and I enjoy conversing with her...?

by  |  earlier

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Its her birthday soon. I want to send her something. what would be a good birthday gift to give and would be appreciated by a philipina. im from florida.




  1. sweet jesus, you are in-love to a filipina? well congratulations! they are known for care and motherly nature. about the gift, maybe u can send her things that she can relate to. something like if she is a nurse, u can give her stethoscope. just like that, hope i did help. =C

  2. Take a vacation and get on a plane and fly over here.  meet her in her home setting and see who she is past the love letters.  show her the respect you would show any woman you respect.  Be firm on your commitments and show her you are serious but want more information as she my too.

    Spend some time .  Do it for you both.  then if you are still in love go home and start the long process for a fiance' visa.  As she already knows I'm sure.

    He who hesitates s lost.  Yet keep your eyes wide open.

  3. ask her anything. [:

    but she'll get excited with the hints.. so keep your cool.

  4. Depends if she is in the pines or there in the US. But if she is in the US and staying for awhile hunt down some filipino foods and snacks from an asian grocer and make a huge basket full of stuff that reminds her of home and she will see that you would have put some care and insight into it. Little things like that go much further than jewellery believe me. If she is in the pines a new phone goes down well. As long as you make it look like your not trying to buy her love with material things she will love any thoughtfull gift.  

  5. Go online gift shop... look for nice flowers , stuff toys or choco.. or cake...

    Ummm chocolates,  flowers and Cake ....

    ummm no flower amd choco....

    Umm no Choco and cake....

    :)  its really hard to say how you make her happy on her birthday...

    you try your best...

    good luck

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