
I met someone wth the same situation like me !!!!?

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I met someone here with the same situation like me his name is David he's a very strong telekinetic and his family and friends act the same like my friends and family what should I do? Should I continue talking with him?




  1. yes!

    Make new friends, you will have a blast, you guys can play checkers with your hands tied! :D

    Also sounds like you feel outcasted by the questions youve asked in the past, so if you ever need some one to talk to, im here for you :)

  2. he will probably read this and freak out because it sounds like you have the hots for him

  3. There is no such thing as telekinesis. There is a man that runs a  

    foundation JREF "The James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) is a Fort Lauderdale, Florida non-profit organization founded in 1996 by magician and skeptic James Randi. The JREF's mission includes educating the public and the media on the dangers of accepting unproven claims, and to support research into paranormal claims in controlled scientific experimental conditions.

    The organization offers a prize of one million U.S. dollars which it claims it will pay out to anyone who can demonstrate a supernatural or paranormal ability under agreed-upon scientific testing criteria. The JREF also maintains a legal defense fund to assist persons who are attacked as a result of their investigations and criticism of people who make paranormal claims.

    The organization is funded through member contributions, grants, sales of books and videos, and conferences. Each Friday the JREF website publishes a written commentary titled Swift: Online Newsletter of the JREF, which includes the latest JREF news and information." if you can prove it he will pay you $1,000,000.  He has had this offer open for over 9 years and not one person has proven that any paranormal activity exists...I wonder why...maybe becasue it all can be explained logically.

  4. it could be one of your friends playing a joke on you...

    happened to me once

  5. I am not sure you should trust someone if you met them online. They may be just trying to connect with you to get you hooked on them. They might be a dangerous person trying to take advangtage of you or hurt you.

    I would keep talking online, if you feel safe, but if they want to meet in person I would go to the authorities with the info and let them investigate them first.

    Try to disregard the moronic comments. People don't understand real talent. Contact that place immediately, I promise you will not regret it. They are kind and gently and encouraging. They also are really good with helping your family understand.

    They are famous for helping people like you, and they would want to start helping you before you get any older. Contact them right away.

  6. Of course be his friend. It's not bad. It may seem strange but you will get through it. It's nothing bad, hopefully he will not take-over your life.

    - oh, and I don't think telekinetic is real so....

  7. Had your brain scanned for any unusual activity?

    Maybe psychosis?

    At the very least, yeah, keep in contact.

  8. You shouldn't need to keep talking. If you both are telepathic, you can communicate without speaking.

  9. Continue talking with him.Claiming telekinetic powers without backup is boasting.If your power is that strong and you can't post a video.It casts doubt on your claims.No offense to you I'm just telling you what most people will think.

  10. Sure, sounds like he might understand what you are going through and be able to share stories and experiences with you.

  11. Yes keep talking to him, maybe together you can discover that there is no such think as telekinesis.

    If you are young please be extra careful of perverts and con men, the internet is awash with people who seek to take advantage of you one way or another.

  12. keep talking 2 him

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