
I met these girls over the summer, which one's the most attractive? Two are models, can you guess which?

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There are five girls in the picture, I've put numbers on them. Please ignore the guys, lol.

I met them in Singapore (I'm from UK).

Can you guess their ages?

And do you think summer romance can last until... well... fall?





  1. i dont know, but i have dibs on the dad.

  2. As Singapore girl's go, sorry none of them.

  3. They are all butterz if you ask me! no5 is the prettiest though.

    i would guess 3 and 1 were models

  4. Whats the point in this.

  5. 4 and 5 are models?

  6. The big question is............why do they have a Christmas tree up in summer?

  7. i reckon 3and 5

  8. what kind of question is this? you have nothing else to do dic****d!!!

  9. 1 & 5 could maybe be models.  5 has big ears lol.  But still has the prettiest face. If she didn't tuck her hair behind her ears she would look like a supermodel.

    EDIT:  haha look at the guy at the far right! LMAO he looks like he's smiling in pain! LOL.

  10. number 5 definitely looks like a p**n thai model.  she goes by the name of amara.  

    2 and 3 aren't models.  they're too fat.  i can see rolls on them.

    4 is too ugly to be a model.

    so number 1 must be the other model.

  11. 1 or 5

  12. 4 and 5 are the prettiest! and i think a summer romance can last forever!!


  13. i think 3 and 5 are the models!i think summer or fall romances last


  14. i think 5 and 4 are the models. 5 is sooo exotic looking! but all of them are pretty too. ages? about...anywhere from 20-25, i think. i don't know if the romance will last because if you want people to tell who is prettiest well isn't that kind of disloyal? seriously if you like them enough and they like you it will last. good luck!

  15. 1 and 5 are the models

  16. 4 and 5 are models, 5 is prettiest!

  17. i think one and 4 are the models

  18. i think number one is most attractive. i think number one and five are the models =]

  19. I like number 5.

    btw, i'm from the UK also, but I live in the USA.

  20. 3+4?

  21. 3's the most attractive to me ...

    i'd say they're all around 20-25 ? no idea .

    haha ,  

  22. 1 & 4 are the models, I think

  23. 3 and 5?

  24. No5 is defo a model and if I HAD to guess I would say no.4 too or no.3 no.2 looks NOTHING LIKE  a model and also I do not think any of them have the "WOW FACTOR" going on and Agencies look for something very different in Singapiore models compared to over here in London! Lol They all look around their early 20's or a few of em look about 17/18

  25. If i was asian i would look like the guy in the middle

  26. hmmmmm 6 and 7?

  27. I think the last one is the model, but honestly I don't think any are very pretty.

  28. they ain't too attractive now are they...

  29. ^_^

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