
I met this guy...and...he gave me his number?

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Okk so me,my little sister,and my little brother went to the book store...I am 17 years sister is 13.....and my brother is 8. ANYWAYS....I went to get the book Breaking Dawn from the Twighlight series(awesome book) and my siblings were looking at books in the kids section. Well I had the paper back book and this guy right next to me had the hard back books...those were the last hard back books. He asked me if I wanted the hard back since they were they only ones left. And I said "Yea...thx!" then I left to try and find my brother and sister and I couldn't find them anywhere. So I pulled out my phone to call my sister. And as I looked through my purse for my phone, I seen they guy again. He came up to me and he said "Hey I knew I would run into you again...I'm Cody" I looked at him...then I said "Oh well hey I'm Katherine...but everybody calls me Kate" then I walked about 5 inches away to see if I could see my brother and sister. "Whats wrong you look worried?" he said to me as I walked away. I said "Well I kinda am...I can't find my brother and sister." then he said "Oh well can I help you find them? What do they look like?" then I told him how old they were and what they looked like and then I remembered I had my phone right in my purse. I told him never mind and took out my phone to call my sister. After I got my sister on the phone she came to the front where me and this guy were....I told her to go outside with my brother to my car. She did after checking out and I said " Well your name is Cody right?"I said...then he said "Yea" then I said "Well Cody it was nice meeting u...I gotta go parents are gonna kill me if I don't get my brother home before his bedtime" then he said "Yea...well can't I have your phone number? I mean we've talked this much already why can't we talk more later?" then I said "Yea I guess so..." then I gave him my number and he told me he'll call me around 10. I said thats cool and left. Now that was about 3 or 4 weeks ago. He called me that night after I left the book store. We talked for about an hour which is pretty long considering I had just met him...and he seems really sweet. Now we have been talking just about every other day since then. He is 17 and I like him as a friend right now. But he called me last night and asked me if I wanted to maybe go out to movies and dinner with him next Friday and I said I'll think about it...but more than likley yea. He is really sweet...well he seems like it...and I have really considered going out with him. This time will just be as friends. So should I do it? Plz I need serious answers here pplz! THX!!!!




  1. maby take a friend along or go double dateing coz it would be quite awkard but youre nerves wont be there as much...

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