
I might be going 2 cedar point on wednesday,but theres a 30% chance for thunderstorms.should i still go?

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I might be going 2 cedar point on wednesday,but theres a 30% chance for thunderstorms.should i still go?




  1. I would. I went to 6Flags on a Feild Trip one time and it rained (drizzled) and the rides were actually more fun when a nice mist was going on, lol.

  2. I would definitely go to Cedar Point because it is only a 30% chance of rain.  I work in Sandusky and in the past few weeks, whenever it said there was a 30% chance of rain it either:

    1. Did not rain at all

    2. Rain a heavy shower for 15 minutes and then stop.  After the rain, the sun would come out.

    This summer, we haven't had many, or at all, lingering storms that lasted a few hours or all day.  But to be safe, bring a poncho with you in case it would start raining because they are not cheap in the park (just put it in a locker or carry a bag with you with it in).  Plus, if some parents see that warning of a 30% chance of rain, they will probably stay home because they do not want to deal with their kids and the chance of rain at Cedar Point, so the lines may be shorter!  Have fun!

  3. I tend to go to theme parks on days with poor weather for the simple point that if it's raining, Momma, Dadda and little Bubba are going to take off and find something else to do.  More rain = thinner crowds!  Besides, it's Cedar Point.  GOGOGO!

  4. Point1: 30%=not that big

    Point2:but its 2x what we get taxed...

    Point3:but thunderstorms are kinda hard to drive in.....

    Point4:..whats ceder point?

    Point5: I think if yo actually planned this you might as well go and make the best of it.

  5. yeah, i went when there was a 60% chance it was was drizzly a little bit but fine.

    it cleared up by the evening

  6. Yes, the chance of being hit by thunder is less than minimal

  7. Yes. It's fun anyway. I love Cedar Point. Haven't been in ages.

  8. You really don't know what kind of weather is going to happen off of the lake.  I remember going one year in June and it snowed!  Anyway I usally go when there is a chance of rain, it usally turns some people away which means less crowds = less waiting time.

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