
I might be going to germany soon i need help...?

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i really wanna go shopping i only have american dollors how much money shold i bring to get german dollors in exchange....................OR JUS TELL ME EVRYTHING U KNOW ABOUT GERMANY




  1. Well the US dollar is not as worth as much as the Euro so when you exchange say 1 Euro dollars you will get about  1.5484 at todays rate back plus the bank fee or fee for the exchange.

    Sometimes you can ORDER Euro before hand at your bank if it is large enough and it may cost less.

    Use a Debit Visa/MC they work at the Geldomatics or the same as an ATM machine in the USA.  Do not take all cash or you could lose it. This will let you draw out what you need per day if you want so you do not have to carry as much around.

    Other tips, know the number for your countries embassy, have a photocopy of your passport saved separately as well as ER cash.  Take one set of clothing and hygeine on your carry on in case any luggage is lost you have at least one change of clothes and your hygeine!

    Proper converters depending on your nation.

    It is always good to attempt to talk German with them even if you are not good. Just trying will earn you respect.

    Shopping is different than in the USA. On SUNDAYS, most shopping is CLOSED!!! Just gas stations mostly and restaurants.  Saturdays they have short days. Most the shopping is done during the week there.  So no 24/7 shopping malls 4+ stories high as in the USA. Sorry but they have great Market centers and great private small shops as well.

    Does that help at all?

  2. they use the Euro in Germany.  The Euro is common to most countries in Europe, exception being the UK - which still uses the Pound.

    Rule of thumb - if something costs a dollar in the US it will cost a Euro in Europe.  Since the Euro is valued higher than the dollar everything will hit you twice as hard.

    Now you know why people from Europe come to America to go shopping, their Euro goes further here.

  3. i dont now nothing about germany but inow the stuff over cost alot if ur goin shopping u should bring a lot of money HOPE U FIND CUTE.PRETTY.s**y.COOL.ETC.STUFF.!!!!!!!!...

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