
I might be pregnant and I'm freaking out. Please any advice.?

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I took two tests and they came out positive. But I'm still in denial. I just am not prepared for this and I'm really scared. Tomorrow I am going to the doctor's.




  1. No, you are doing the right, the only thing you can.

    If the pregnancy is not right for you now, I hope you are not pregnant.

  2. Don't freak out until you see the doctor. It could all be for nothing. Distract yourself for now. Watch a movie, listen to music, go to sleep. Just relax until you see the doctor. Easier said than done, I know, but that's all I can tell you. Good luck.

  3. I freaked out for a good 4 weeks it's very over whelming you'll get used to it I'm 18 weeks now and finally starting to "believe" i'm gonna have a baby!!!

  4. when a pregnancy test says you're not pregnant, u may in fact be pregnant.

    however, when a pregnancy test says you're pregnant, you most definitely are. you're pregnant.

    good luck.

  5. Girl, you are definitely pregnant if your 2 tests came out positive. I think it is so weird if 2 tests came out false positive. You are just in denial. You have to be open to the fact that you are indeed pregnant and that baby needs you...

  6. Then the doctors will tell you your choices...think deep and you want a baby?

    then go from there.

  7. Being in denial is not going to make the baby go away.  You just have to face reality and make the right decisions for you, dont listen to what anyone else says because its your body, and you have to live with it for the rest of your life.

  8. Stop freaking out! You have done what you can do for today and tomorrow going to the doctor's will be the next step! Take baby steps and don't think "nine months down the road" tonight. Think "Doctor's tomorrow" and be at peace with yourself for taking care of your health.

    All the best!

  9. well you shouldn't be sleeping around anyway.. and DO NOT get an abortion. God didn't make people to kill babies inside there mothers stomachs so don't. how would you like it if someone came and killed you when you were inside your mothers stomach.. that's what it's like so don't do it.  

  10. Positive is positive. Talk to your doctor about your choices, don't let anyone force you to make any choice or tell you that you can't make a choice, it's all up to you. Good luck and I'll pray for you!

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