
I might be pregnant and i have to go to my consultation before they set me up with a surgery date..?

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my period is a day late and its a normal period so it shouldve been here already.. but im waiting for a few days and if it doesnt show up im taking a test and i have to get surgery.. my gallstones hurt but im not in extreme pain.. i watch what i eat nothing greasy and i dont have attacks but i was told you have to have an abortion if you just got pregnant before you have surgery and i dont wanna hurt my baby if i am.. what do i do??




  1. take an at homepreg test... your period might be off set by the gallstone pain

  2. Buy a home pregnancy kit. If you find out you are pregnant, then talk to your doctor. There is probably something he/she can do that will not hurt the baby.

  3. My friend is going through this right now.  They won't do anything about her gallstones and sludge until after she has had her baby in November.  They have ways to help you until then.  You don't have to have an abortion.  That's nonsense.  My frien has plenty more wrong than that and she hasn't thought twice about abortion.  Plus, her OB/GYN and her physician both told her it would not affect her or her baby to wait.

    Besides, one day late?  Stress can do that.  So can other problems in your body.  

    Don't fret, either way, you'll be fine.

    By the way, my gall bladder was having an attack about 3 months ago.  I couldn't do anything about because my son needed surgery.  So, I went on a clear liquid diet for a day and a half, then,  I switched to a bland diet.  After about a week , the symptoms went away.

  4. Whoever told you, you have to get an abortion before surgery is an idiot.  Tell the doctor you may be pregnant, they will test you to see if you are and they will tell you what to do next.  

  5. First you find out if you're pregnant.  Then you will have to discuss your options with your health care provider.  You cannot have gallstone surgery while you are pregnant, so you and your doctor must weigh the pros and cons.  If not having the surgery will endanger you or the child than the doctor will recommend terminating the pregnancy, as it is better than the potential risk to you and the fetus.

    If on the other hand the risk to you and the fetus is minimal the doctor may recommend the the surgery be postponed.  Only a doctor who knows your exact condition will be able to properly assess the situation and make the right recommendations.

    For the time being wait and see if you are pregnant.  Until you know for sure there is no point worrying.

  6. First take a deep breath you are getting way ahead of yourself.  You do not even know you are pregnant and you could be missing your period because of your worrying about what might be and how you would be hurting a baby you do not even know is there.  They will not abort you for an operation that could wait.  Please calm down and if need be take a pregnancy test or go to your doctor for a blood test.  All this is not helping worry so.

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