
I might be working at pizza hut, can you tell me if its easy?

by  |  earlier

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so i would be working in the back, could you tell me of somethings i'm gonna have to learn and give me some advice? i've worked at KFC and a grocery store, so i'm not new to the working wold

thanks so much




  1. pizza hut sucks. go round table

  2. It's as easy as pie.

  3. its easy and fun depending on the team you work with.

  4. Easy as Pizza "Pie".  :)

  5. Depends on where. Sometimes this happens :

    So I guess your mileage may vary :)

  6. get fast when it gets busy, slow up when it slow. you may already know this.

  7. If you are working at a job that pays near minimum wage it's easy. If it were difficult they would pay you a good salary to do it.

  8. Well, your learning ability to pick up on what goes on a "Special" is all going to be a learning curve for anyone.  If you can, try and become one of the people that brings the pizza to their table.  You can pick up a little extra change from tips.  But just do the best you can, soak up as much as you can and the learning curve to learn how they do things will come sooner for you and things will become natural after awhile.

    Good luck.

  9. depends what your position is. if ur the chef i'd think its hard if ur the lady that takes orders probaly easier. if ur a waiter/waitress how would i know?

  10. its easy! folding pizza boxes is fun

  11. making pizzas was my first job. it really is very easy. you will learn how to prepare the toppings, shredding cheeses cooking sausage and stuff also make sauce roll dough cook pizzas fold boxes  its all easy

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