
I might get a bearded dragon?

by  |  earlier

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Could u give me pros and cons, a full list of what i need and some info on viv sizes, any recommended sites, and some tips on crix- i hate the lil buggas (are lees crix kprs any gd) im in the uk thx

ps i dont like tuchin crix an roaches r not an option

pps im a new reptile owner




  1. Okay, i once had one. It died a few weeks ago.

    But theyr not toys. They can get realy big. Mine was humugus.

    They eat baby mice, crickets, meel worms, lettuce, tomatoe, fruit.. theres books on what they can eat.

    just google it.

    also, you have to have a heat lamp on them during the day, food and water have to always be avalible(FRESH). You have to bathe them atleast 3 times a week. You have to make sure they have a sticker thermometer in there, and it cant get lower then 90 F and 110 F.

    And you have to handle them every day. Theres a certin way to grab them, or theyll bite you and spike you. They can take a finger off. Never put 2 males together. Anything else, email.

  2. First off, ignore Taylor B. I have a feeling she has no idea what she's talking about. They shouldn't be eating lettuce (it dehydrates them and causes them to have the runs), they shouldn't be eating tomatoes (they're very high in acid and will cause serious issues in the tummy because of it) and baby mice can only be fed to beardies that are 18 months or older. You don't have to bathe them 3 times a week unless they're shedding (and even then you don't have to). They're desert creatures people, not rainforest. They don't need to be drowned in humidity. Sticker thermometers are a waste of money. They're never acurate. The ones I've had are always at least 10 degrees off. I'd suggest getting a digital thermometer. Also, temps should go as low as 70 degrees NOT 90 (it's not good to have it that warm 24/7). Temps should fluctuate in order to mimic the sun's cycle. It's nowhere near 90 degrees at night in the desert so she's waaaaay off on most of what she said. The only thing she was right about was handling them often and never putting 2 males together.

    If you'd like to learn more from someone that actually knows what they're talking about, feel free to email me. =)


    these are great sites that should provide you all the information that you are looking for.  

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