
I might get in trouble for this, but I am willing to risk it...?

by  |  earlier

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Konar K can you please stop cutting & pasting that stupid pregnancy paragraph on all the pregnancy answers! Just answer the d**n question, or don't but no one wants to see that stupid paragraph anymore! Am I right? Ugh!




  1. i reported it as abuse , but unless more people do the same they wont remove it or do anything , please try reporting it . i gets on my nerves that i give answers and do research for people to answer a question to get 2points . and there are people cutting and pasting stupid c**p and get 2 points. for each one.  

  2. who ever that person is, they've been using a different name every time they get reported. it's been going on for DAYS now.  

  3. its a blogspot someone said this yesterday too... everyone has to start to report them as spam instead of just giving them a thumbs down so that yahoo will delete there account i dont if it really helps because they keep creating new accounts i have reported them over 40 times today  

  4. You just have to keep reporting them. He is a blogspot spammer. He will get deleted and create another acct. Heck, he might even just be a bot. Just report them. You wont get into trouble.  

  5. I haven't seen it.  

  6. here here, its just a way to get points. its not actually helping anyone


  7. I just post a question about Konar K;...

  8. It's not just one user either. Its been going on for a few weeks; I'm not sure if they're real links (I don't dare click on them) but I report them every time because they're spam.

  9. They are all spam. I am sick of legitimate questions getting deleted but all of the spam going through. It's the worst.  I usually report it or thumbs down it

  10. I agree! Give it a rest already. Your not helping anyone!

  11. stop watching other people.Haha i got a thumbs down

  12. I have been seeing it too. But it been like a different id. been going on weeks. And I have seen it on my questions that I had asked. I usually put thumbs down on it.

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