
I might go to jail..i need help?

by Guest61468  |  earlier

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I'm 17 years old..never been in jail or been in trouble by authorties in my life..just past 3 weeks ago i got arrested for hopping.. which is trying unlocked doors..and seeing if there unlocked and stealing stuff..first few nothing..then we gotta lil purse bag thing..which wasn't a had coupons in it..make long story short. i got arrested..and my court date is september 4th..i could go to jail for 93 days 500$ pretty scared..anybody have ideas to what might happento me?




  1. well it is your fault you shouldnt have been tryoing to steal stuff that is illegal and all the rumors about jail like dont drop the soap are true maybe you will think twice next time just get somebody to bail u out

  2. well it looks like your going to jail for 93 days and fined $500. why not just  serve your time and get on with your life and instead of taking from people why not get a job and try to better yourself so something like this won't happen again and make your life harder and harder.

  3. Child first-time offenders don't go to jail.

    1. Plea down with the Prosecutor.

    2. You're looking at a $500 - $1,500 fine + community service.

    Every offense has a progressive jail time attached to it. It's a scare tactic.

    * Tip: Don't hire an attorney. You'll be just as effective with the prosecutor.

  4. do not start crying now You were not crying when you were out there taking folks stuff Do not try it now.

    Grow a pair of gonads and go do whatever time they may give you.

    Whatever happens I pray you learned your lesson and will make this your last time in trouble Find some real friends and go get a Education and job

    You obviously have internet and computer So why in heck was you stealing??

    i have NO sympathy for spoiled brats who steal and You obviously have Not learned anything the only thing you are worried about is fear of jail

    MAN I pray they lock you up. If they don;t this time though With your attitude you will go back out and do something else and end up in jail in good time

  5. haha you wont go to jail  me and couple kids back 3 years ago did the same thing but i was just walking with them and then they did that and there was a car with 2000$ in it and all they got was 2 years probation and fines

  6. watergate man deny deny deny deny

  7. If you have school to go to, If I were you I would pay the 500$ but otherwise I guess you'll just have to spend your time in jail because you probably dont want to pay a huge fine for that.  

  8. i think thats dad went to prison..and i havent seen him since age eight..and he didnt even mean to do the thing he did..and wat might happen to you? exactly wat you just listed..go to jail for93 days wich is nothing..and paying a 500 dollar fine wich is a lot but managable..kbye

  9. Tell the truth, Cooporate, and never do it again. Your jail time (and possibly the fine) will go down if you just go with the flow. Stay calm, you don't have anything else on your record.

  10. since you have never been to jail before your under the age of 18, they will prob take all of your sentence and give you probation. you must obviously have a lawyer and I'm sure that he'll make a deal with the DA

  11. Get a tatoo over your butt that says...EXIT ONLY.

    Just kidding. If this is the first time you've been in trouble, they probably won't do alot to you. Maybe probation.

    But may I suggest, QUIT BEING A MORON. You're only 17. You've got a lot ahead of you. But if you keep acting like a moron, your choices are gonna be very limited to low wage jobs, menial jobs. Is that what you really want?

    You may get tee'd off at me for saying that, but someone needs too.  

  12. you deserve to go to jail!! If you broke into or stole my car you would NOT want to mess with me or even see me cause you know that I WILL come after you and make your life a living h**l forever!!!!!!

    I have no sympathy for crimminals and that is what you are!!! I don't care if you have never been in trouble before!!!



  13. You will be most probably charged as a misdemeanor.  If you have a good lawyer he/she can have you plea bargain for a lesser charge and end up doing community service and/or lessened sentence.

  14. First, that was stupid of you. You shouldn't be in to deep being this your first offense. as long as you don't keep doing this stuff and you will be fine, despite this current possible jail time.

  15. Please get a lawyer.  Do not rely upon the goodness of anyone in the justice department.  They see c**p everyday and don't believe a word that anyone says.  You can't really blame them for believing the worst of everyone, especially teens.  You probably won't get time, just probation, but without a lawyer you are depending upon the kindness of strangers, and in this day and age, that just ain't gonna happen.

    Good luck,

  16. Serve your time for lacking a brain? If you have lots of money you could get a lawyer and get off. That's what this country is all about money!

  17. if it's your first offense you might get probation. my son is in prison now for drugs. last week he watched one inmate cut another inmates  throat. one is dead and the other is going to live the rest of his life in prison. you being a kid you need to straighten up now. or you could end up being in prison. and playing hide the sausage with someone named bubba who is never going to see the outside world again. you don't have to be g*y to be raped. and if you think you can handle it. i've seen grown men crying because they have been raped by fourteen other prisoners. they will even knock your teeth out just so you won't scrape them as they force you to do oral s*x on them. and no the guards aren't going to risk being hurt for you.

  18. Dunno what state you're in, but here's the entry procedure we had at the Jail I worked at in Ga.

    1.) Fingerprinting

    2.) Photograph, two shots. (Face and profile)

    3.) Issue the inmate jail jumper, slippers.

    4.) Order them into the shower, strip search.

    5.) Males: Bend, spread cheeks.  Cough.  Cough again. Lift testicles, lift p***s.  Open mouth, move tongue around.  Cough.  Cough again.  Shake out hair (if long).  Lift arms, show pits, lift show soles of feet.  

    6.) Dress inmate in Jumpsuit, take all personal property and box away.

    7.) Have inmate sign property over and store it.  Take them to an open cell, usually with eight or nine men in there.

    From then on, it's up to the inmate.  They would be issued a pillow, one sheet, one top sheet, one blanket.  Up to them to find a bed.

  19. hmm what mite happen??

    well you get to eat yucky food,

    take showers w/other males,

    be bored,stink,be hot,and sit in

    a stinky place.

    try not to talk to bigger men....

    they mite get mad and beat you up

    im just saying...

    but really what were you thinking??

    stealing something??

    just because a car is unlocked doesnt

    mean you have that right.

    real mature buddy.

  20. Wow, the love and compassion is overwhelming.  Very touching peeps, very touching.

    Look Mike - you used terrible judgment and made a mistake (ok sounds like a few).  If you are lucky, the judge will let you off since it is the first time you've been caught/charged.  If you are that fortunate, you need to get your act together.. find new friends that have hobbies a little more legal. Stay in (or go back) to school.  Wake up before it is too late.  Life is one big slippery slope... one day you're 17 and car hopping, the next you're 50 and have had a life lost.

    Good luck, hope things work out and that you have the support of your family and a few good friends to help you through.

  21. You can call a criminal defense attorney and ask them questions for free.  You can hire one too, but if you can't afford one, you have a right to an attorney paid for by the state.  It is a right and you can apply for one.  Just find out how to at the courthouse.  Some states are different, depending on the laws.  Being 17 is in your favor, however.

  22. since you are 17...if you get a good lawyer you will most likely end up doing like 100 hours of community service and have to pay your fine and court costs.But if worse comes to worst you might end up spending a week or 2 in Juvi.If they give you the option you might be able to spend a little extra time in juvi and not have to pay your fine though...

  23. / The Judge is 'god' in his court, and you are at his mercy.  The fact that you are underage, and this is your first offense is in your favor.

    You most likely will have Community Service and a fine to pay.  I doubt you will go to jail this time around.

    It never gets better, and the second time around is like you have been a criminal all your life, so STAY CLEAN!

  24. beg the judge for forgiveness, and community service. you're a minor so that is probably the most likely thing that will happen. oh, and don't steal things anymore.

  25. You'll be okay this is a petty crime and a wake up call you're 17 and never been in trouble the most you'll get is community service.You're still considered a minor underaged (lucky) U better shape up because you'll be 18 soon and charged as an adult...It's time to grow up getting a criminal record is horrible and can mess up your future

  26. yeah, quit stealing stuff!  It doesn't matter if it was coupons or money the fact is it wasn't yours.  I work in a prison and see what kind of things happen there and it ain't pretty.   Its definitely not fun and games.  Inmates complain to me about how their rights are be violated and I tell them did you think about the rights of the ones you violated?  And of course, they didn't. You broke into someones vehicle and deserve to be punished.  If you go to jail, do your time and learn from your mistake.  Don't be stupid, obey the law and you won't go to jail.  If you want to know what prison is like, email me and I'll give you the details.  Good luck and straighten up!! You're to young to throw your life away.

  27. Worse case scenario: You lose in court and get sent to jail and fined. Oh, and watch your back. Literally. ;)

    Best case scenario: Win in court and walk out with a criminal record. Probably fined, too.

    Laws are laws and were not made to be broken.

  28. You're still considered a juvenile so if you haven't been in trouble before you have nothing to worry about, maybe probation for a year.I'm an ex-policeman so I se this happen all the time.Good luck.

  29. your probably gunna end up gettin a nice backrub off of one of your cell mates, then mabe later, who knows....but it serves you right for stealin an innocent person's belongings...mabe next time youll find a lonely old lady's window to break into...i hope you do go to jail, it might sort you out

  30. You should be scared: hopefully this experience you're having now will serve as a deterrent and scare you straight.  You deserve to go to jail, preying on other people.  Do you see that what you did was wrong and do you feel bad about that, or do you just regret getting caught?  

  31. Depends on your exact county and state laws but if it's your first offense and you cop to it and your responsibility, and come off honest to the Judge that your really truly sincere and sorry, you'll most likely get probation and or community service, if your not so lucky then maybe home arrest with ankle monitor. Stay away from bad influences and think before you act. Just chalk this up to a learning experience and do your probation and stay out of trouble and you'll be okay.

    Good Luck

    James N

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