
I might have a $180,000.00 soon. What kinds of investments can I make to turn it into a whole lot more money.?

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I might have a $180,000.00 soon. What kinds of investments can I make to turn it into a whole lot more money.?




  1. $10,000 in Forex trading using a trading system and the rest in the above suggestions.

    But what you do (and what I did) is make sure the trading system has a 60 day money back guarantee first; then make sure you can use a demo account. A demo account let's you play the trading game with "play money" so you can see if you can profit from the trading system without investing your real cash.

    Use the demo account for 59 days and if you see you can make profit you keep the system and invest your real cash. If there's no profit to be made you get a refund and try another system; there's literally no risk when buying one.

    If you're interested I found reviews of the top 3 Forex trading systems: http://forex-tracer.the-perfect-solution...

  2. Talk to an investment advisor, Anuitys are good places to invest. remember 1) get your money working for you 2) Get income producing assets and 3) compound your earnings.

  3. I can virtually guarantee that if you take 180K or any amount of money and you are looking to "turn it into a whole lot more money (fast)," you will end up loosing most of it.

    -- 19 years market experience (see my bio).

    I would really seek a professional with 10-15 years experience in the business for advice.

    In simple terms.

    1. Traditional IRA? No. Small tax benefit now, but 100% of withdraws are taxed as ordinary income at future tax rates. Do you think taxes will be higher or lower in the future? Nuff said.

    2. Instead, consider opening a ROTH IRA. Max out each year. Tax free withdraws on principle after 5 years and no income tax on gains after retirement 59 1/2. Get a no fee account such as with

    3. Dollar Cost Average in the S&P 500 Index (no load fund or stock symbol "SPY"). Reinvest ALL dividends in the S&P 500. This is key for making money long term in the index!

    Avoid Gold. According to Chase Global Digest, Gold is the second worst performing investment class after diamonds.

    If you bought gold 28 years ago, you are about ($100-150 gain -whoopie!!!) from where you bought it, technically at a loss, because inflation ate away buying power.

    If you invested in the S&P 500 Index 28 years ago you would have multiplied your money many times over.

    You need a 10+ year time frame when investing in broad market indexes.

    Looking for short term safety?

    US Treasury Bills and US Treasury Bonds.

    Buy directly from US Government (no fees). Principle Guaranteed by US Government. Unlike a bank CD, there is No federal income tax on US Treasuries.

    If you have other income, the best thing you could do if you could work it out is to buy a bank owned home that is selling 40-50% below current market.

    1. You have a place to live.

    2. In 10-15 years the property should have increased.

    3. Tax deduction benefits.

    This is a rare opportunity to buy distressed property. I wouldn't buy any home, only a distressed short sale or bank repo that is (again) 40-50% below current market. A good aggressive real estate agent can help negotiate.

    I would prob put the money into US Treasuries for 30 days and do nothing. Then get sound advice.

    Please just don't start aggressive investing, speculating, trading, getting into Forex, gold, buying coins, jewelry, buying a new car, or some other worthless or risky, or historically poor investment.

    You have one chance to make a good sound decision. Do you want the money to last or blow it on what's hot now?

    There are very few posters who have the creditability, credentials or long term experience to offer sound advice. So be careful.

    Best advice. Go buy a distressed house in a favorable location.

    Good Luck!

  4. I have been managing funds since 1997, and what I always tell my clients is this: there is no one best investment. One may do well in a given economic condition while another one will not. Diversify your investments in different asset types.

    Allocate part of your investment to fixed income investments (bank CDs, rental property, treasury bills) and another part for capital growth (stocks, managed forex trading, options/futures).

    If you are risk averse, allocate 80-20 of your funds in favor of fixed income investments. If you can handle more risk and want a higher return, allocate 50-50 to both.

    Hope this helps.


  5. That's great that you're coming into so much so soon.  However, I'd caution you into trying to find a quick fix for ramping up your investments.  

    I have found that the best way to insure that your $180,000 becomes worth much more in the future is to put together an investment plan, and be disciplined about following your plan.

    I'm a big advocate of value investing in the stock market (finding great companies to invest in, buying them at the right prices, and selling only when they become overvalued...).  There's a few solid principles that anyone can learn, and if you follow them, you can turn that $180,000 into well over $1,000,000 over time.

    Hope this helps, and good luck!

  6. bteer you try invest in unit trust which give returned in capital growth and income

  7. i will advice you invest it in an oil company that are ready to offer share to interested is a very reliable and more profiting business this days.For more details you can contact an expatriate at

  8. I´ve been investing for more than 20 years and trading for almost 14, and I can tell you that if you want to make BIG and FAST profits, I recommend you trading rather than investing, trading can help you to go from rags to rich.

    If you are investing, you must have already achieved some degree of financial success, long term stock investing and FOREX can help you become much richer than you are today.

    My experiences as a Nasdaq Market Maker, Head trader of several brokerage firms, and currently as a professional trader and private hedge fund manager, I can suggest you that:

    We trade because we want quick, short term profits on a consistent basis. We want to cash flow the market. Milk it like a cow.

    Make consistent, small, short term gains rather than trying to hit a home run on every trade. Don't ever forget that.

    Don't marry a stock, marry the idea of making money trading stocks. That's the only way to do it.

    For me "All stocks are equally worthless”

    I don't hold on to any illusion that the stock market will continue to go up and provide a nice retirement for me.

    I could care less which way the market goes. It's irrelevant to me if the market goes higher, crashes or moves sideways for the next 50 years. I really could care less. Stocks are just four letters with two prices next to them that I use to make a living trading.

    Trade ONLY when you have a clear, easy and identifiable advantage, because without a CLEAR EDGE your odds of success are NO better than a flip of a coin… That´s why so many new traders (and investors) lose money.

    Take a look at any daily chart of any index or stock and you'll probably see the most volatility and the biggest opportunity for profit during the first Hour of the stock market's opening.

    The popular thinking and conventional wisdom is that you should wait about an hour before you start trading.

    But if you do, you'll miss the big, fast moves that stocks make as all the amateurs let their emotions out through their

    online accounts, usually right after they read some news headline or hear Maria Bartiromo go off about a stock on CNBC.

    It's easy to see why trading the open is the market's prime time for profiting from other online traders.

    The market's open is very volatile - that is the perfect environment for LARGE, FAST profits.

    Learn to trade as a professional Market Maker ,not as an emotionally driven amateur trader or investor with few thousand dollars in an account at Etrade.

    There isn't any other time during the day or any stock you can invest in, that can make you 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 or more points

    in minutes OTHER than during the first hour the stock market is open. That's why I love trading the open so much.

    I trade only when I have an edge and that means "only the first hour the market is open".

    If you are a beginning trader, you can give yourself an unfair advantage in the market trading this way.

    I can carry on with the advises about how to make money trading, but if you ask me:

    "What is the best thing you can do for me?

    I will say:

    Give yourself a BIG favor and go to this "Top Secret" site and learn how to get the BEST stocks that will make the largest and fastest day trading profits you´ve ever seen, all by yourself...

    After you review this site you won´t need system, strategy, book, software or mentor to tell you what to do,

    you will be able to profit HUGE every day.

    Good luck and good trading,

    John Fontaine

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