
I might have herpes but i wana make out tomorrow....?

by  |  earlier

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Okay...well...The other day i got hit with a book bag that had a metal skate tool inside and it cut my lip on the inside...well now it hurts but i don't know if it is a cold sore....cause it was from an now i am wondering...can i make out with this or should i stay away from making out for a while....? and if i there any way to cure it fast?




  1. It's probably not herpes; however, don't make out someone is going to be kissing your  dry blood and pus eewww.

  2. Get some vitamin E capsules (200 milligrams is enough, and it's cheap), puncture it with a clean pin, and squeeze it onto your lip directly or put it on your finger first and then on your lip. Do this several times a day when it's convenient and you'll be healed in a few days! (You can buy this at a drug store chain like CVS, Duane Reade, Metro, or any other.)

    No, I wouldn't make out. First, you don't say why you may have herpes--which even if you did, is not related to your injury. I think you should submit a second question about herpes. Did you have contact with someone who said they have it? Did you put your mouth where they usually get outbreaks?

    Since you have a question whether it's herpes, it sounds like you need to learn more about herpes, how it's transmitted, etc. Good luck!

  3. Your a dumb a** you can not get herpes that way its a sexually transmitted disease you can only get it by SEXUAL contact please google your dumb a** questions first before you make a fool out of yourself

  4. You can't cure herpes, but if you know you got hit from something and that's what caused the injury then why would you have reason to believe it's herpes. Your best bet is to wait until it's healed anyways because with an open sore, you are opening yourself up to so many diseases.

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