
I miss India, what do I do?

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I've been there for a month traveling, and did the same last year. Now I'm back in 6th form and I cried the whole plane flight and a lot of today.

I love that place so much.

my as results werent so great and i want to escape to india, what to do?





  1. sell everything you own get a ticket and bum around for as long as possible /bar work,restaurants etc give it ago one life   live it    

  2. india's amazing isn't it, my favorite country! just work hard and then you can escape to india by all means lol good luck!  

  3. yep! it happens when you love something very much and straight from your heart,so if you love India than you may visit it when you are on vacation.

    You need to clear your 6th form,don't try to escape with the excuse that you love India.Just concentrate on what you are doing and do it well.India will not disappear from this Earth,you can come here any time but you need to think of your career also.

    I've seen many tourists here who stay here (India) for the rest of their life and you know on what mostly they are dependent that is drugs and I feel you don't want to live in India like that.So i feel you do your studies get a good high paying job save some money for your vacation and come to India and if you want to live in India for the rest of your life your study and job experience will help you to get a job here in India and than you can live here in a good way.But first it is your career.

    Think about it,take care. :D

  4. awww....why not save up & start planning your next holiday there...that will lift your spirits & give you something to look forward to honey.

    we've been 5 times & totally love it there....i miss it too when i come home - but i know that if i save hard enough...we can go again the following year & that time soon cheer up!!

  5. don't think about India

  6. come back


  7. well your best bet is to finish 6 form then and save uo as much EMA as possible then get a short job save and maybe take a gap year or go with friends and share out the price alltogether



  8. Go back,find a job and stay there if you love it so much

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