
I miss him what should i do?

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend left the state for 3 months for work i really miss going to try to go see him but i won't be able to go that much.what are some ways we can keep in touch? is there anything i can do? im going crazy cause i miss him so much..




  1. Calling is the next best thing being there, also try and text him if he has a cell phone. I would think as a boyfriend he would being trying to get in touch with you some how. I don't want to give you any bad thoughts about him, but I would be thinking the same way you are. by trying to contact you.

  2. call him everyday, visit him!!

    answer mine?;...

  3. Missing him won't make it easier to live in a long-distance relationship. Long distance relations need a lot more patience and less sensitivity to be able to carry on in a better manner. I would suggest use of email/phone/IM

  4. phone calls, text message and email each other. Not the same as seeing each other but may help you feel better. Also keep yourself busy, go out with your friends. if you sit around thinking about him,it will make you feel worse

  5. work harder to earn more money so u can call him more

    get a web cam, net, headphones ull never feel apart! i did that! n it helped!

  6. call him!!! email!!!!...if u cant then try to get out of the house with friends

  7. In this fast paced world how can you miss him. There are many ways to contact him & also you can see him live online, so how can you miss him.

    You can call him [phone], E-mail, message [messenger] or lastly at least you can write him letter [conventional way].

  8. If you have his contact number than you have to call him. Try to explain your condition.

    If he love you by heart you dont have to worry he automatically come to you...


  9. get yourself skype. on the computer. its a cheap way of communicating and you can even get a webcam each so that you can video call each other... when you phone from skype to skype it doesnt cost you a cent... check it out...its cool - you can call each other from the computer, video call each other and even chat...

    it will allow you guys to be a lil closer...

    good luck!!! :)  

  10. You can always call him. You can use yahoo messenger or skype if he is online ---- would be cheaper because it's free. You just need a computer and an internet connection.

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