
I miss my blonde hair..?

by  |  earlier

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it took me about 2 years to get this really pretty blonde hair... and i went to the hair salon to get it light brown ( back to a natural look ) and it turned out dark brown! im so upset i dont know what to do?




  1. lol dont worry! its going to fade in about a week.. u shouldnt dye it too much it will ruin ur hair.. just let it grow out before u dye it again.  

  2. itll fade. brown is better then blonde anyways, but only on most people

  3. wash it several times and let the brown fade then add some blonde highlights

  4. Relax. It will fade out maybe not total blonde but maybe a little. keep washing your hair and it will wash out. it might go in stages like light brown dark blonde etc. But don't worry if it doesn't work get a picture of how your hair was before it was dyed brown. Go into a salon and have them match it up with the blonde in the picture. Good luck!!!

  5. I can't even tell you how many times I have done that!!!  Do NOT bleach it, that's the dumbest/worst thing you could do for your hair...I know because I have done it like a million times!  Don't try to die it with store bought dye in lightest brown either because you will just get DARK results.  I know that also because I am going through the same thing now & have been each time I dye it trying to go a shade lighter in the brown but it ALWAYS comes out dark!  SO...& I am NOT a beautician BUT what I myself am going to try is to get the DARKEST blonde available & start there.  The way dye works is the lighter the blonde the stronger the lift & the harsher it start with baby steps & opt for a good conditioner.  When you shower condition your hair FIRST so that it is the last thing you do before you get out is rinse your hair so that you have the conditioner working in your hair for the maximum amount of time.  THEN when you get out, towel dry your hair a little & put just a little bit of conditioner back into the hair & leave it.  If you want to give your hair a little extra vitamins, this is what I do, get some hair oil (like the Paul Mitchel "gloss drops"), and you can get the cheaper version at Sallys (works the same & I have been using it for YEARS).  It's like an extra vitamin boost for your hair!  Hope this helps?

  6. dye it back?

  7. Well i guess if you go out in the sun a lot you'll at least get blonde highlights..

  8. then bleach your hair back blonde duh........! i did it 2 months ago and my hair ain't damaged yet!

  9. I did something simular and dyed mine brown when i was fed up with the roots showing through.

    I would suggest putting highlights in, that way you have two tone hair and less damaging also, as to much over bleaching can make your hair really dry and straw like.

    Its worked for me everytime, and you can always do brown highlights again at a later date to re condition up the blonde, but iof you do, put a red moose in the pulled through sections first then wipe most of it off and do the brown, it stops the horrible green effect that sooner or later yes you will get...

  10. It's true over the next 2 weeks with lots of shampooing it will fade a lot... what you can do when it times to go back to the salon have them add some blond hi-lites to start getting your blond back or after the 2 weeks of shampooing... get one of those kits that you paint the color product on in strips down the length of the hair to add some hi-lites yourself... this would give your hair some dimension.

    Chill...It will be ok though... a lot of it is the shock value... you will adjust the the change trust me... enjoy the comments... to me there is nothing more stunning than a dark haired girl.woman... hope this helped

  11. die it back to blonde

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