
I miss my brother...?

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Today was his first day of college. We never really got along or ever really talked when we lived together, so I thought I wouldn't care as much that he was going to be gone. But when we left him I felt like I wanted to cry and I miss him a lot right now. I don't know if I actually miss him or miss the idea of living with him and always having him around. I feel like him being gone is just going to to make us even less close than we already are. When he comes back in November are we going to seem like strangers to each other?




  1. Same thing. Today was my brothers first day at college. I didn't feel like I was going to cry I've been crying since Sunday. I miss him so much. But unlike you and your brother we get along great, but I'm also scared about him coming back in November us being awkward. Since my brothers been gone we've already talked 3 times, I'm hoping we can keep this up to keep us from being strangers. Honestly, just call him or talk to him through the computer, it will make you feel better and make you guys know what's up in each other lives. It doesn't have to be daily, just try and make it weekly. He'll secretly be happy your trying to stay in contact, even if he doesn't admit it.

  2. Your emotion is natural and expected. You should feel that way, it shows you care and that he is family and means something to you. He will have lots of things going on in his life right now, but when things are calm, he will always think of family and those he misses. Give him a week or two and then call him and tell him what you wrote. It will impress him and he probably feels the same way. No one is closer than family, especially a sibling. Once you are on your own, you will relate more to a sibling than your own parents. Keep that bond tight. Sometimes, it can be a life line. Hope that helps. All my best.

  3. No.  You guys can use this as a way to bring you closer together.  When he does come home, actually hang out with him, and ask him about college.  

  4. you know  the saying youdon'ttknoww what you have till its gone, yeahthat'ss whats your going threw. me to you never noticed when they where there , me and my bro fought but we were kinda close we got closer as we grew up. heresomethingg you can do talk to him , make a relationship.believee me a big bro can be a great friend when you need them to be. and they will always stick up for you. dint let him be a stranger.  

  5. Talk to him b4 he comes back in november as much as u can.
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