
I miss my cats behavour!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my cat boogie is about 6 or 7 years old and not even a few months ago we had a special relashonship and i never see it now she ignores me and NEVERpurrs she always seems anoyyed when you come up to her she is so fat and lazy and hardly does anything she used to sleep at your feet when u were sleeping or sick she was like a mother and always was theyre when you were upset or in pain now all she does is sleep on my bed all day and eat and drink and go in the litter box plz help!!




  1. Your cat is too young to explain this as old age - barring accident or illness, this cat can easily live for another ten healthy, happy years.  Changes in behavior, energy and activity levels, sleep patterns, appearance, appetite and thirst - any one of those is a good enough reason for a veterinary consult.  This cat displays more than one symptom, and so it is easy to conclude that she needs to see a veterinarian.  There is a good possibility that whatever is wrong is treatable - so you can hope to have your sweet kitty back.

  2. It could be that shes getting older, or that shes fat and lazy. You should manage her food intake and incourge her to exerice to help get some of the weight off. A sudden change in behavior could mean more serious problems, you may want to take her to the vet for a check up.

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