
I miss my teacher. Help? Please, please, please, please answer!

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I had a teacher last year that I very much looked up to, and I miss him. He helped me through several rough patches in my life without even realizing it. I'm a quiet person, I don't talk much. I don't think I probably said more than 20 words to the guy all year. I'm not the kind of person to tell him how I feel, or go visit, or email or anything. I keep to myself and he knows that. I don't think he knows how much I appreciated him. I constantly hope that I run into him somewhere, and he starts a conversation so that I can bring it up, but it's just not going to happen. NO, I don't have a crush on him. Is this weird that I feel this way? Any suggestions to stop from thinking of him all of the time? No nasty answers please. It's just a waste of your time and mine.




  1. I'm sure he has a mail box in the office. Can't hurt to write him a letter

  2. Thank him for everything hes done for you and move on. Try to focus on something else if your thinking about him. And whatever you do don't get feelings for him or even think about trying to be with him!

  3. I've had a teacher who has been there for me a lot, and after the school year was over, yes, I did miss her. But this doesn't mean I can't stop looking up to her.

    If you really look up to this teacher, just try and maybe go to his classroom one day. Just pop in and say hello, and he will probably start a conversation first, since he knows you're shy. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, just write him a short letter saying how much you appreciate him, and have your mother drop it off in the classroom, or put it in his box.

    Good luck.... i hope i helped!

  4. how to stop missing a person focus on other ppl

  5. well I had a teacher, senor i looked up to he was in my life for one  school year, and he was the biggest influence of my life. that was 5 years ago almost.  teachers like these are the ones who are REAL teachers.  He tought me to be open minded, to respect others views if I dont agree with them, and it seemed like he had an answer for everything. and he made me want to learn. and he was the one person who cared. and expected nothing back. It sucked when i realized is pretty much a part of my past... forever now. but i just think, well thats one perfect memory I have. What he tought me is something good that will be with me for the rest of my life, even tho he isnt.  

  6. if its not a crush then what is it honestly find someone else your own age  

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