
I miss my wife's pre-pregnant body... Please Help?

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Its been 5 months since my wife had our first child, and I really dislike her body. She gained about 40 pounds during the pregnancy which she's mostly lost; however her skin on her stomach is saggy, and she has tons of stretch marks on her back and stomach, and her thighs are lumpy. I know this sounds really bad, but before she got pregnant she was so s**y, I mean she was gorgeous...and now she is just really different, her personality is different too. I love her, but I don't feel physically attracted to her, at all.

Will her body ever be the same? And is there anything I can do about this problem???

Thanks for your help.




  1. Hmmm, that's kind of your fault there buddy.

  2. It's a shame that so much of your feelings about your wife are based on her looks... your wife's body may never return to its pre-preggers shape but she's still the woman you married, and now she's the mother of your child... it's time to grow up and appreciate her for who she is today, not who she was before. My guess is you won't look the same forever either... marriage counseling may also help with some of the other changes in your relationship...

  3. You should talk to her about it. Tell her exactly what you just told a world full of strangers. Tell her about her saggy stomach and stretch marks and how she isn't s**y anymore. With any luck she'll see you for the selfish shallow pr*ck you seem to be and leave.

    Now for a serious note. You need to get over this and remember why you love her (if you really do). Chances are she's very self conscious right now. That's why she's acting different. You need to just be loving and understanding. She'll take care of it herself.

    Either that or learn to enjoy paying alimony and child support...

  4. Give her time ...selfish or what she just gave birth to YOUR baby .....

    You can do something about this 'problem' leave her alone she will do it for herself when she is good and ready !

  5. Wow, sure glad I didn't marry someone like you. Feel SO sorry for her..

  6. It sounds as though you didn't do your research before making a baby. A woman's body isn't the same afterwards, we're all left with stretchmarks, saggy bellies, excess weight etc etc. There are only some really lucky women out there who ping straight back into shape and look as though they've never had kids but they are few.

    Get a grip on reality!

  7. It took her nine months to gain the weight and to lose it healthily it is going to take anywhere from nine months to a year to get back in shape. Maybe you should wait a few more months before complaining, she just had a baby and she is not a Hollywood star required to lose the weight by their contracts. And if your marriage was based on something so shallow save her the time and stress and get a divorce. She doesn't need someone who is going to hound her on her appearance after just giving a baby a couple of months ago.

  8. Tho she will never be the same again she can get some of that back. the stretch marks will fade in time. The belly will restregthen over time as well, she may have to exercise some for it. I don't see how she isn't beautiful now. She is just not liek before, people change in life, especially after children. Personalities can change to, it is part of becomming a parent, maybe you should grow a bit as well. you seem kind of shallow. You want her to look better offer to work out with her. Go on walks, as a family. It has only been 5 months give her some time, she is more worried about baby then herself and that is fine.

    Stop being selfish and be a husband and a parent.Your priorities are a little off.

  9. No her body wont ever be the same, unless you are willing to get a high paid job and pay for plastic surgery. You sound really immature. God forbid you had to carry a child for someone you love just to be ridiculed by that same person. She gave birth to your d**n child ffs. Give her a little credit. If you loved her before she got pregnant, you shouldnt have a problem loving her now no matter what she looks like. Also be lucky she still takes care of what she can like losing the weight.

  10. Nice! I am so glad my husband is not a jerk like you!

  11. how about you pop a baby out of yor winkie!

    give her time, she is proabbly exhausted from the months of carrying the baby, giving birth to the baby, and starting to raise a baby.

  12. 5 months? You've got to be kidding. 5 months is a very short time after having a baby to suddenly regain your youthful figure. Some things may never change-- her b***s will droop a little more and stretch marks could be there for good. How about loving her and your newborn child instead of focusing on her physical appearance, shouldn't there be other things on your mind? Give her some time, she is adjusting to being a mommy and the last thing she needs to do is worry about her figure-- if she is still looking like she needs a little pick me up at 1 year post partum talk about getting physically active together as a family. In the meantime discuss eating healthily as a family and cutting out junk food. Don't focus, don't you dare focus, on her post-partum body. If you notice it-- she probably notices as well and I'm sure she isn't happy about it either (maybe thats why her mood is different... that, and being tired from being a mom).

    Her body looking like a mother is not a "problem" to be fixed.

  13. TALK to her about it.

    communication is key in any relationship.

    im sure she is self conscious about the gained weight, so im sure you guys can work out a diet and exercise plan that you can do together and have fun.

  14. sounds like you care more about your wife's looks then how she must feel about how her body looks now after having YOUR child....grow up....

    i'm sure she can find things wrong with your body too!!!

  15. Well vitamin e-cream helped me with my stomach stretch marks and paw-paw ointment works good too. Ask your chemist about it. I would rub it in for her it will help you to adjust to the new life that u have made together. It's natural that her libido is off at the moment and that she doesn't feel like doin it in a s**y way right now, give her time to come to grips with being a new mum.  Perhaps going for a walk with her to the shop instead of driving but hey go with her and talk to her. You have come across as very shallow with this question,  I think that u should try really hard to find the person u fell in love with and be the person she fell in love with. Did u just not think that children would change her body? Time and patience a new deeper love for your wife will come born from the fact that you have moved to the next level.. The very best of luck with this my heart goes out to all 3 of you. Hang in there and try really hard to move through this together. Best wishes.

  16. I can only come to the conclusion that you obviously never loved her in the first place. You confused love with lust like so many shallow men. She made a big mistake marrying you.

    If you truly did love your wife, then you wouldn't be complaining about her body being less than perfect just 5 months post pregnancy! She gained those stretchmarks and saggy stomach carrying YOUR child, just you remember that.

  17. To have this baby probably was not just not your wife's decision n you should have known the pros and cons of extending your family long beore.I suggest you appreciate your wife for everything she has done and if you are missing her pre pregnant gorgeous body,chances she might be missing it even more.Love her for giving you a meaning and a purpose to your life on her expense.

  18. No she will never be the same.

    What can  you do --- support her, love her , and GROW THE h**l UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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