
I missed a month of birth control pills...?

by  |  earlier

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I had been on birth control for 4 months. I ran out of packs and did not have a prescription for this month (August). So I just waited til I got back down to school to get some more. Now I have been off my birth control for a month and still no sign of my period. Any ideas from anyone? I have been having some cramps but nothing else. It kind of has me worried.




  1. Well have you had s*x while not on your birthcontrol or right near when you stopped the last pack? If so you might want to take a pregnancy test. If not, then im sure your fine if you are getting cramps then you should be getting it soon. Good Luck :)

  2. It just threw off your cycle. If you didn't have any unprotected s*x you should be fine. I was going to say to ignore that nonsense that the person wrote about herbs and vaginosis or whatever it was, but they seem to have deleted it.

  3. dotn be worried unless your at risk for being prego.   you body is probably adapting to the new hormone cycle ( seeing how birth control give our body hormones that  dont occur naturally in the amounts you ae taking.   so you are probably irregular.  just wait get back on the pill and youll  be okay.  

  4. no s*x-no worry!  

  5. Oral contraceptives can have that effect I wouldn't worry about it too much it should settle down soon. If it doesn't get some medical advice

  6. If you have been sexually active, take a pregnancy test.  If you haven't, I wouldn't worry too much.  Everybody's body is different and after stopping BC  pills, it may take a bit for your body to get back to normal.

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