
I missed big brother tonight,who's on the block?

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I missed big brother tonight,who's on the block?




  1. She put up Jerry and April

  2. I sooooooo love RENNY!! she put up jerry and april!!

  3. i love love love that show! my fav!

    april and jerry! im soo happy,dont like either-but i want april to go home! [=

  4. April and Jerry

    Renny wants April out

  5. Which BB? It's not time for the UK block, so it must be America's. Of which I am visiting UK at the moment, so wouldn't know.


    Renny put April & Jerry(the kernel) on the block

    I don't like either of them & she wants April out.

    Ohh & they played this game for slop & it was like rock,paper,scissors but they had food items; crickets, pig ears, and slop

    and one of each beat the other, but there was a twist and they had to eat the items that they said to get points, & the people that are on Slop for the week get to also eat really big Lollipops ! lol


    Thats show is AMAZING <33


    I want Keesha to win.

  7. Renny nominated April  and Jerry.....She told April it was because she is such a fierce competitor and then she told Jerry she nominated him because he put her on the block back at week one and it was just what she had to do.

    It was sorta one point everyone but April, Ollie and Jerry are up in the HoH room with her and she asks each person if they want to be a pawn this week.....Memphis was the most adamant that in no way, shape or form did he want to be a pawn. In BB history, the pawn usually ends up going home he said....

  8. Renny wanted Dan to be a pawn.  Then she asked Memphis, Keesha and Michelle.  She talked to Ollie to see where he stands in the game.  He told her he wants to win.  She put up April and Jerry.  She said she put up April because she is such a fierce player.  She put up Jerry because he put her up the first week.

    I want both to go home.

  9. Renny nominated April and Jerry.  Those are great nominations, and it doesn't really matter to me who leaves because I don't like either of them!  Jerry is mean to Dan, so he probably hopes that Jerry is evicted, but many of the others want April out.  

  10. Renny put up April & Jerry.

    There was a funny part about Ollie & birds.I about peed myself I laughed so hard.

    If you want to see it for youself you can catch the Full episode FREE @

    I ♥ Big Brother!!

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