My friend told me he saw my name for today while looking up the district court records (I put Xs where my case number and name were to keep privacy)
It said review. I was caught last year without car insurance, (a mistake i know) However, i was with this alternative program where I would not have to pay court fine or lose my liscense if I maintained auto insurance for 1 year. I completed maybe 8 months then due to financial reason I had to sell my car, thus losing my coverage. I understand that this means I would have to go back to court, but I never received a letter or phone call telling me the date of court. Did I actuall need to be present for the "review" and if so, what should I do about missing it?
Here is the info my friend found on the online court records
COMMONWEALTH VS. xxxxxx, xxxxxx xxxxx
Scheduled Events
REVIEW 8/18/2008 09:00 AM 3