
I missed my period this month...?

by  |  earlier

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I never had s*x so I am 110% sure I am not pregnant! I've had my period since I was 12 I am 15 now. My periods haven't been really regular ever. In june I had my period for 19 days. Is anything wrong?




  1. Speak to your parents or a doctor about it lol.. and im sure theres nothing wrong

  2. everything is probably fine.

    I'm pretty sure that sometime stress, as well as losing or gaining weight, can mess with your period. but to be sure, talk to your mom, older sister, or your doctor. its better to be safe :)

  3. Irregular periods are common during adolescence.  It's nothing to worry about.  If it becomes inconvenient or uncomfortable for you to keeping having irregular cycles, you may want to talk to your doctor about birth control pills.  Many young women who are not sexually active take the pill to regulate their cycles.  If you have any questions, talk to your doctor or your school nurse.  

  4. yes see a doctor child and dont be ashamed

  5. stress can  cause irregularity.

    or maybe it's time to se a gynucologist.

    to make sure everything is in order.

    I don't think you are th virgin Mary.

  6. You may want to check with a doctor to make sure everything is okay. This site is not exactly the expert on women's health, but doctors are. Talk to your mom or someone you feel comfortable with and go for a check up just in case.

  7. ok don't take advice from a dude


    there might be something wrong but if its always been like that,im sure nothings wrong.its normal to skip a period every once in a while but talk to your mom or a doctor about that just to make sure.

    and its good you're not pregnant.



  9. There are many different reasons this could be happening----stress, cyst, endometriosis etc. You really need to see a gyno to figure out the problem. Also it is not healthy to have a period for 19 days because you are at a high risk for anemia. This is nothing to take lightly.....

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