
I missed something I was gone for a few hours & Pain's daughter is pregnant?

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Was there a news conference how was this announced. What else is going to be revealed? Can anyone tell me what I missed? This is so hypocritical of the abstinance that I am sure Palin preachs...Hopefully her mother won't name the child. Actually, Pistol Palin has a nice ring.




  1. Things about Palin's "pregnancy" just don't add up. Palin's child is now four months old, but her daughter's allegedly five month pregnant which would mean she can't be the mother of Palin's last child...that's IF she's actually five months pregnant. This whole thing reaks of a cover-up.

    On Friday, it was announced that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was chosen to be Republican presidential nominee John McCain’s running mate. The 44-year-old Idaho-native claimed to be the mother of five children, the youngest of whom was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Palin’s decision to have the baby was applauded by the pro-life community.

    Here’s some new evidence Daily Kos has brought forward, showing Sarah Palin is not the mother of four-month-old Trig:

    – On March 6th, Sarah announced she’s seven month pregnant. Even close members of her staff were surprised.

    – Her water broke one month before Trig was due, but she kept a previous speaking engagement in Texas and then flew 8 hours to Alaska. No one on board noticed that Sarah was going into labor either. The flight lands in Anchorage, Alaska. Instead of visiting a medical facility that can accommodate a premature birth in Alaska’s most equipped city, she drives 45 minutes away to Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, right outside the small village she used to govern as Mayor, Wasilla.

    – On April 18, 2008, Trig was born one month premature. Sarah returned to work after three days. (Trig was diagnosed with Down syndrome while still in the womb.)

    – Trig is not Sarah’s son, but grandson. It was her 16-year-old daughter Bristol (pictured right) who was carrying. (80% of the cases of Down Syndrome are in mothers under the age of 35.)

    – Family had taken Bristol out of Anchorage High School due to contracting “infectious mononucleosis”. Reports say she was absent from school for five to eight months. Mono can last anywhere from two weeks to three months.

    To read all of the incriminating evidence “proving” Palin is a liar, visit

    Methinks Diddy has enough ammo for another verbal lashing in vlog #17! (Watch #16 here.)

    UPDATE 1: The Associated Press has released an undated photo of a pregnant Palin, probably with her first child. And for kicks, this photo manip is so clever! This scandal is just calling out for Tina Fey to return to SNL to spoof all of this.

    UPDATE 2: DailyKos posted a picture of Palin with what appears to be a baby bump. Check it out here.

    and now today they announce:

    Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin announced that her 17-year-old daughter Bristol Palin is five months pregnant and is going to marry the father.

    Sarah and husband Todd Palin released this statement via the John McCain campaign:

    “We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us. Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.”

    “Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates.”

    Reuters news service, which first reported the news, says this news is “intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for [Bristol].” Trig was born this past April with Down Syndrome.

  2. Just liberal desperation, the beginning of the end.

  3. This is what happens when you just throw a political unknown on the ticket.  A person like Sen. Clinton has been vetted by the media and her enemies for 16+ years now.  Nobody know Palin until Friday and now all of her dirty laundry is coming out two months before the election.

  4. Sorry honey i havent heard this bit of news. I am in the dark so to speak.Ummm Peter Paul sounds good for a boy and Polly Sue if its a girl..LOL I hate to admit it but i learn more facts here on P&S..

  5. Here's the deal:

    A couple of hours ago,  Sara Palin announced that her unwed 17-year old daughter Bristol  has a bun in the oven. According to the story, she did tis to counter rumors that her baby (Sarah's 4-month old,that is) was really her daughters.  

    She said (I'm NOT MAKING THIS UP)that " her daughter has grown up faster than expected."

    Now, get this: Palin made this announcement to prove she isn't hiding a pregnancy on the part of her daughter by revealing her daughter is pregnant.

    This is priceless. Simply priceless.

  6. Yet more proof that abstinence only s*x education doesn't work.

  7. Yes here is the news video link

    Sarah's Pegnant Daughter

  8. I am the one who introduced this story to Y!A.

    Palin admits to it!

  9. The question: I missed something I was gone for a few hours & Pain's daughter is pregnant?  

    The answer: Kids just do that sometimes. If you had been there, those teenagers would have just found a different place to have s*x.

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