
I missed the first day of College will this come back on me?

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Also I like to add my books haven't came in yet so what should I do..?




  1. No, it shouldnt be that big of a deal if you missed your first day. Most professors will hand out the class syllabus, go over the ciriculum and will assign a short reading or writing assignment to start with. I dont know about where you go to school at but when I was in college, my proffessors had a site they posted all the homework assignments and the syllabus. I went to Idaho State and on their system it was called webct. You could ask if your school has something similar. Did you order your books offine? If so, you can just tell your proffessor, you havent gotten your books yet because they were ordered and havent arrived. They may have an extra copy you could borrow, you can ask a classmate if you can borrow their book and return it before class starts. You wont have the same classes everyday so there is a bit of leeway. You only missed the first day of classes you had on that day. the next day will be the first day of classes for that day. Normaly you have the same classes every other day or you may only have a class two days a week or one day week depending on the class. Maybe your advisor can help you with your book dilema also. Dont hesitate to talk to your proffessors about any questions you may have. They realy like students who get involved with class discussion, come to them with all their homework concerns and ask for help. That is what they are there for. They should have open office hours you can go talk to them if you are unable to after class.

    You sound like a newbie. It wont be that bad. I wont lie, it gets hectic. The workload can pile up and you will always be studying and doing homework it seems. My advice, take a fun and easy class. Something to help relieve stress. Like rock wall climbing, tennis, yoga, ect. You are going to need it. Also take easy classes. I made this mistake of taking classes I thought would be interesting that turned out to be difficult and it hurt me bad. I would definately start off with taking English, math and science 101 generals (unless you scored into a higher class on your SAT or ACT), have an easy 1 credit class that introduces you to college life (my school had one, take it if you have that option) and a stress reliever fun class. I dropped out because I got put on financail prohbation from having a low GPA. Im aching to go back. I liked school, I just made it too difficult for myself. Dont make that mistake. It should be a fun and challenging experience. The advice I gave you was the advice given to me by my advisor that I ignored.

    One last thing, if you have problems with the homework, your school should have a tutoring program. This is something to ask your advisor about, they can point you in the right direction.

    Good luck and enjoy your first year of college.

  2. First days usually don't involve a lot of work anyway so I wouldn't worry. And I would still go to college if your books haven't arrived. You can borrow the books from the library to catch up if you need to.

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