
I moved and I am going to go to a school thats kinda dumpy?

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I just moved from a pretty nice school and I am going to attend 8th grade at a school thats a little...dumpy? Its not as nice. And the teachers are a little more redneck.. and the band doesn't have my favorite percussion instrument the marimba. Will I get use to it? And how? Thanks!





  1. Yes. Don't know.

  2. Well you may and you may not. I suggest saying your opinions. Ask for change. Even make a paticion to get the marimba in the band. As for the teachers there's not much you can do, other than ask for change.

  3. ok. Yah im moving school and i'm in the same sort of situation as you. If i were you i wouldn't worry to much about the marimba thing... but yeah you'll get used to it as long as the people are nice. If you make loads of good friends then you'll definitely get used to it because they'll help you.!!! Have Fun!!!:-)

  4. of course you will get used to it. some schools don't have as much money as others, that explains the marimba, issue. they are pretty expensive. my school has a phenomenal band program I'm in but we just don't have the funding for those kinds of instruments. you will learn to quit judging a book by a cover just because a school doesn't look the best doesn't mean its not a good school.  

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