
I moved out of my apartment because of all the drug activity there. My landlord knows about the activity?

by  |  earlier

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I went to legal aid and prepared a letter to my landlord of why I terminated my lease. My landlord has turned me into colloections. I told them to take me to court. Any legal suggestions. I live in michigan. Complex gets raided all the time?




  1. Unless law enforcement is your landlords job (and you know it is not) this is not a valid reason to break a contract.    Good luck in court, but if you win it will not be because of the law, but favoritism from the judge.

  2. counter sue the land lord for your deposit. This will either force them to pay your deposit if any and force the issue of breach of contract .As an added bonus you can sue him for breach of contract for knowingly renting to you with out disclosing the fact that it is a suspected drug house. By doing the above mentioned things you should be released from any liability on your end for leaving

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