
I nearly broke my little toe yesterday. Last nite, I iced it. Today, do I do more ICE, or HEAT to help heal?

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I slammed it into the bathroom door while running around getting ready for work. It was fine all day yesterday until I walked around on it a bit in the evening, so I came home and ICED it. Today, I am staying off of it (home from work) and am wondering -- now, 30 hours after the injury, do I apply ICE or HEAT to help it heal?




  1. ICE will give you temporary pain relief and will take down swelling, when used with pain killers even mild like tylenol it can relieve pain extremely quickly.

    I wouldn't recommend putting heat on it. As heat may burn your skin which would further only cause you more pain.

    I would say, give it 2-3 more days and if it still hurts the same, or even more, call a docter and set up an appointment.

  2. Take it to a doctor as it might need more care, if care is given immediately it might save it from future weaknesses.

    Ice is needed to take the swelling away and relax the nearby muscles and tendons.  

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