
I ned to know the name of the Organist who was employed at St John's Church Blackpool during the 30' & 40's.

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He wrote responses for all Church Services which were used through out the country and many anthems. I wish to know his name and seem to be unable to find it in Blackpool so I need a good classical Organist who is studying church music to get 'their head down' and see what they can find out for me! I shall be very grateful. I sang his music when i was a child in Oxford and High Wycombe so I know it was widely used!!!





    "The present organ was built and installed. It is a three manual organ and was built by the famous firm of Henry Willis and Sons at a cost of £1875, and sited in the chancel thus replacing the old one in the gallery. Special recitals were given by Herbert Ellingford, organist at St. George’s Hall, Liverpool; and by Mr. Walton of Glasgow Cathedral. It is perhaps relevant here to mention two organists: Mr. Grindrod, organist for forty years until 1895, and Frederick Herbert Wood Mus.Doc. who filled the position with distinction from 1918 until 1963."

    I am hoping, between these two links, you will find the information you are seeking.

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