
I need 2 no the decription, hieght from the ground to the withers, the weight, iteresting facts on Swine.?

by  |  earlier

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please lend me as much info on this animal im in the 10 grade i need this for my ag class it is worth 40% of my grade, and i really want to stay in the FFA, Please and Thank you Joshua S.




  1. Everything you always wanted to know about pigs and weren't afraid to ask. (Some more good stuff about goats in here too)

  2. here's a thought instead of relying on the knowledge of others, read and research your questions yourself. Besides how do you know that our answers are correct, I think you're taking a big risk if this is the only information you're relying on for YOUR homework. You will learn alot more if you do it yourself and if you're truly intersted in being a part of FFA and AGRICULTURE, how will you survive in a real job?? Knowledge is power baby!!!!!!!!!

  3. Josh you have access to a computer.  Learn how to use the search engines and spell checkers.  All the information you are seeking is available with one search:  Livestock

    There are several web pages that will give you all the information you need to pass your ag class.  You will, however, need to do  more than cut and paste.  Sorry 'bout that.

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