
I need $20,000 dollars for college. Where can I find that kind of money?

by Guest61050  |  earlier

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College is my dream and I need to find the money so I can go. Where I can I come up with $20,000 dollars?




  1. Have you try to get a scholarship? Maybe you can go to

    it's about scholarships information.

    Good luck

  2. Student loans,


    Or get a job and start saving.

    Can you ask a family member?

  3. join the army they'll pay for it all

  4. loans, scholarships (for anything, not just sports/grades), grants (don't have to repay), work study on campus, part time job, family members, beg for it on ebay or craigslist, sell some stuff (one man's trash is another man's treasure), find a person/business in the community to sponsor you (Pay it Forward), and a host of other ways.  It's going to take work, but you can so do it!  You must go to college if it's your dream.  Also, look up stats about the salary differences for college grads and non grads.  Also, start off at a community college, b/c it's WAY cheaper, and you can earn an Associates, which can get you a raise at your part time job, then after 2 years transfer to a university for your bachelor's degree.

  5. 1) scholarships

    2) students loans

    3) part time job

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