
I need 3 reasons i have two i need one more please!!!?

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The removal of Native Americans from their lands by the Indian Removal Act of 1830 violated their political, legal, and human rights.

I came up with two reasons why i disagree with this indian removal act which was it was unfair and racist but can someone helpo me figure out a third reasON?? thanks so much




  1. It was a territory and property violation because they owned the land before we did it was in a desire to have more land that kicked the native americans out!

    so all in all it was a territory war!

  2. There were many treaty violations in removal of Indians from lands included in treaty negotiations.  That is a legal reason.

  3. the removal act was an act that removed ppl.,........

  4. The Indian Removal Act did not take into account the needs of the Native Americans. They put them on land where they could not grow adequate crops. it was undignified and showed facets of genocide.

  5. India is a democratic country and everybody is a free individual.

  6. It was genocide

  7. reason 3: Unnecessary

  8. it caused them extra hardship and un-needed stress to adapt to unfamiliar territory, ei...hunting, gathering and farming, home building and surroundings... GOOD LUCK...

  9. - it assumed that the indians did not have the right to their own native land, making us a hostile invading force trying to steal inhabited lands

    - it assumed that the indians did not have the right to own their land, making us hypocrites for touting universal 'human rights'

    - it caused the death and suffering of thousands of innocent people

    - it served the interests of people seeking profit, expansion, etc. NOT the individual needs of the populace.

  10. look to the freemasons like jefferson(president of usa)and the fact that both natives and masons use the cross/star symbol because if you draw lines within this cross/star you draw the knights templars cross so where there survivors ofr the templar masacre through out europe actually intermingled with the natives and where bewing hunted to extinction for "going native!"

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