
I need $300,000 very quickly and i have just about no money now?

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hey how can i make $300,000 in the next 2 years to buy a lamborghini because i don't make enough at work and i made a bet that i could get one by the time i'm 18, i'm almost 16 now?




  1. I hope this a joke. You're seriously dumb.

  2. gamble is the only way.

  3. Well, I think you may have bitten off more than you can chew, it might be wise to admit you won't accomplish the goal but secretly pursue it anyway. Doing this will clear your name now, and in 2 years when you pull it off you can say "HAHA! LOOK WHAT I DID!" and look even more awesomer than ever!

    Seriously though, being 16 is probably a big issue. I will agree with the notion of pursuing opportunities via online. I can recommend ChaCha, although I think you have to be 18 to participate, or affiliate marketing. ChaCha has less income potential, and affiliate marketing can be slow to start but has HUGE potential.

    I, personally, am too lazy to do either, although I started, I haven't put enough effort in to making them work for me.

    If you were old enough to gamble, or play the lotto, you're chances there would probably be greater than acquiring the money via other legal options.

  4. Banks open 10:00 am.. pick a good one..

  5. Don't make stupid bets! You should have done the math--you would have to save $12500 a month to pay cash. Heck, I doubt that you could even come up with the down  payment on one in two years. Unless you win the lottery, bump off someone for their insurance, become a drug lord, or whatever, you have just lost your bet. You best bet, save for the down payment and hope that the loan officer is on drugs or senile when he approves your loan.

    Here is a suggestion. Put up a picture of a Lamborghini (hidden) on a web page. Sell pixels to people to advertise or leave messages. As they buy the pixels, the picture of the Lamborghini starts to unfold. Put a countdown of how many days you have left to get the Lamborghini. Make it fun so people are interested. People love games. Figure out how many pixels you have and how much you want for each. If you don't know how to do it, I am sure there is someone out there who would not mind sharing the profits. If you sold 300,000 pixels for $1 each, you would have your money. By the way, I have no idea of how many pixels there are on a web page. Obviously, each pixel would need a popup as people scroll over it. Anyway, I am not going to spoonfeed you. Use that brain of yours!

  6. Gotta be kidding me. if you can earn that much tell me how to do it too :)

    The only way i see is too become a hitman , a pimp or a drug dealer :P

    Or you can rob a bank. But not any of the above "Jobs" is legal and the price to pay if you get caught is even bigger. No ******* lamborghini can take you out of prison. And btw are you crazy? there is no way without having a rich daddy to do that by 18. Or you think for a good patent and make money from it. But i really doubt it :P

    btw you can gamble too :P

  7. While nothing is impossible, it is highly improbable that you can make that kind of money in two years.  If it was easy to do everybody could do it.  If you work a part time job during school, and get two full time jobs during the summer you should be able to buy a used Lambo providing you don't have any other expenses in that period of time.

    With that said, if you are willing to work that hard to make the money you need it would be a shame to waste it on a car.

  8. It would be a real longshot to come up with that kind of money, but anything is possible, its good to see that you are so determined at such a young age!  What are you good at??  Look at that Tom dude that created Myspace.  Could you be the next "Tom"?  Sit down, and think about what you enjoy, what you are good at, and what you have time for.  It really seems like computer websites are the way to go these days.  Good luck, and remember me (the one with the best advice) in two years, and give me a ride in that car!!!!

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