
I need 4 diseases of palm oil?

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I need 4 diseases of palm oil?




  1. The diseases of oil palms are very dependent on cultural practices. When the palms are grown in small scattered units, the main disease is a trunk rot, which is caused by various species of ganoderma, but when they are grown in plantations fusarium wilt is liable to cause serious losses. The fungal disease, but rot, kills infected trees.

  2. Do you mean diseases caused by palm oil?

    Palm oil has the highest amount of saturates of any vegetable oil, and can lead to heart disease anc any other disease caused by an intake of saturated fats. Poor Africans, it is their main dietary fat!

  3. 1. blasts (Pythium splendens, Rhizoctonia lamellifera)

    2.  freckle (Cercospora elaeidis)

    3. anthracnose (Botryodiplodia palmarum, Melanconium   elaeidis, Glomerella cingulata)

    4. seedling blight (Curvularia eragrostidis)

    5. yellow patch and vascular wilt (Fusarium oxysporum)

    6. basal trunk rot (Ceratocystis paradoxa, Ganoderma spp., Armillaria mellea)

    7. crown disease and fruit rot (Marasmius palmivorus)

    8. Spear (bud) rot is caused by the bacterium Erwinia spp., which has been devastating in Central Africa.

    This list was from the link below.

  4. If it is the diseases of the trees you are referring to, I found this site for you.

    Diseases of Palm Trees

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