
I need 5 old wives tales, myths etc... for science class but i can't find any that we can test in class?

by  |  earlier

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So i need someone one to tell me a few or redirect me to a site or something. But please remember that i need to be able to test them, and they can't be superstition's either, so anything with luck etc... isn't a myth. So thanks to any help




  1. OMG your in mr.coyles class in harwood?

  2. Checking out these would be fun in the classroom:

    1)  Masturbation causes blindness.

    2)  Having s*x standing up means you can't get pregnant.

    3)  Hard boiled eggs are constipating.

    4)  Sitting in a hot bath makes men infertile.

    5)  Sitting on a hot radiator or cold wall gives you piles (hemorrhoids, if you live in the USA).

    More seriously, how about:

    1)   If you eat Pop Rocks and then a carbonated drink, your stomach will explode and you'll die.

    2)   Chewing parsley gets rid of garlic breath.

    3)   If you sneeze with your eyes open, they will pop out.

    4)   You will catch your death of cold by walking around with wet hair.

    5)   A watched pot never boils.

    6)   Chewing on bread can stop you crying when peeling onions.

    7)   If you touch a toad, you'll get warts.

    8)   If you pick your nose your finger will get stuck up there.

    9)   Step on a crack, break your mother's back.

    10)  Cut hair grows back faster.

    11)  Chocolate causes spots (pimples in the USA)

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