
I need $500 in 2 weeks.....Im a 14 year old girl

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I need to make $500 in 2 weeks to pay for my plane ticket back from Ancorage Alaska.

Theres someone down there who I need to see cause I need to talk to her cause I'm really depressed with stuff cause of whats going on in my life and shes the only one who can help.

Her mom has enough airmiles to pay for one way but I have to find a way to pay for my way back.

Please help...ANY ideas would me so much to me




  1. Sell ur body ..easy

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    I hope things get better for you.

  3. sell ure body to people for a night =]

  4. wow going to alaska by yearself at 14, im 14 and im pretty sure i would not want to go on a long flight to alaska by myself but i live in new york so it would be a long flight.

    I have been doing some hard manual labor for a guy i know like dingging trenches and stuff to run electric cables through and stuff it is extrememly hard work but i made $300 in 3 days so the money ain't bad.

    Try getting a job maybe at a fast food restraunt or something, there aren't that many job oppurtunitys at 14 i know i tried and i was lucky enough to get one.

    Also good luck wit getting ur life back on track


  5. Online based job

  6. The only safe and feasible way is to get it from your parents or her parents.

    If you were to get a real job, you would have to work 40 hours a week for 2 weeks at 6.25.  This is not very feasible.

    If you cannot get the money from parents, the best way would be to use an alternate way to talk to her, like phone/email.  

    Personally, I would recommend talking to a professional- it will help a lot more than you think it would and it will cost less that $500.

  7. Hello.

    I know that u really need help. So, here i have one suggestion. Ihope you can accept it. I'm still studying. And really need money for my university's fee. So, i've join this program how to earn more money in internet. If you want to join, just click here. Only that i can help you. Hope you happy.

  8. why don't you just talk to the person on the phone???

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