
I need Advice please help!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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I have a brother who was devorced about 4 years ago. His x-wife left him for his best friend, and hasn't recovered since. He is now 25 and an acholic and wont take any advice. All he does is play viedo games and keeps loosing his jobs and is convinced he wont find any one else. Please any ideas how i can help?




  1. come on get over her there are 3 billion other girls that are prretier thjn her  

  2. Do you know of someone you could introduce him to when he is sober and well gromed?  Since he is not looking for someone, he won't find anyone on his own.

    If you could just convince him that his ex-wife is not worth  loosing his life over.  He is not living if all he is doing is drinking.

    See if you can convince him to go to a drying out place, quit drinking and get on with his life.

    He has suffered enough since it's been 4 years.  He now needs a live of his own and being drunk all the time is no life at all.

    If you could find someone you think he would like, that might be the answer.    

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