
I need Critism on my Martial Arts project...can you give it to me?

by  |  earlier

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***First off, I'd just like to say to any Yahoo Answers administrator that I am not trying to influence, steal or discrupt members of Y! Answers in any way. Nor am I trying to get a "back link" or free advertising. ALSO, I have put it in the 'Martial Arts' section, because they'd know more than web designers for this :P***

Anyway, I own a Martial Arts website.

I have put a decent amount of work into it, and I think it is turning out okay. I opened it a week ago.

But I need to know everything tat is annoying/bad, EXCEPT content - I know it is pretty bare, and I've got some coming within the next day or two.

Please also give an annoyance rating.

eg. Bad colour scheme 7/10 annoyance

:) thanks

PS. url is www[dot]martialchat[dot]com (i'd rather search engines not pick up my URL, and this also proves my point to the admin that no back link is seeked)




  1. i like the site it looks like one i would like to visit i read one of the articles "improve your speed..." i was lookin forward for new exercises and was excited like a lil girl waittin for a n sync concert but once it loaded the page and actually read the article there was no exercises i felt shunned and very disappointing i hope as the website grows article will incorporate this and i hope this will be one of the few websites that's doesn't not incorporate MMA as in UFC, WEC events and all that junk just to reel in ppl i hope it becomes a  true MMA website where in if we do talk about the fights it is for the purpose to find out the techniques they used to talk bout strategy not senseless mumbling like some do here and everybody is to respect the martial arts way and ppl like it was meant to be... well good luck i like the everything it needs more individualty to set u apart from the rest but so far its coming up good...good luck on the website and i hope i can find a website like the one i just spoke I HAVE A DREAM...

  2. Like the first guy says, it needs more character.

    Add a discussion for Okinawan Arts.

    It's good.

    Don't worry about the administrators. They don't really moderate anything. This place is a 'free for all'.

  3. It's very "clean".  Very "sterile".  The colors are good, but it needs some personality in my humble opinion.

    Good luck with it.

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