
I need GOOD disses and comebacks cause these people in my school, i want to just punch them out!!! thanks!!!!!

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Sometimes i DO punch some people out in my school, but luckily, i don't get in trouble. But i need stuff to make them shut up, and keep them shut!!




  1. Pick the biggests, most obnoxious one and bust them straight in the mouth.  Don't stop until someone pulls you off.  That usually lets the rest of them know that you don't intend to take anymore c**p.

  2. You need wit, and thats something you can't really learn, you have it or you don't.  But I see you have those wonderful fists.  Go ahead and go nuts on thier faces, enjoy.   If they haven't learned you aren't swinging hard enough.

    You should be good till you are 18, after that stop swinging, and you'll probably have to deal with morons for about 3-5 more years till they grow up.  :-)    Good luck.

  3. ok... ur so stupid....that u wish u werent so stupid..............BURN!!!

  4. talk to your guidance counselor. "punching people out" is not going to work forever

  5. I know lots of people in my area whom I'd like to punch out, too, then I remind myself, "you're better than that!"

    Focus your attention inward. If they want to go around and provoke things, brush it off. Just realize that it takes people who are low to go out there and pick on others just because they're discriminating/prejudiced. They're just too simple-minded.

    You can actually learn something from them: perseverance. It takes a strong person to see beyond everything in order to become a wiser, more mature person. Rise above the circumstance.

    Good Luck!!

  6. "um alright then" makes them feel stupid

    "if you say so" shows you dont care

    if they make a sarcastic comment on say your hair for example reply with "yeah thanks i like it too"

    or i know its hard but just try to ignore them...

  7. Kiss the biggest on the lips;. They'll all stay away.

  8. My daughter was bullied badly at school and it did not matter how many times she reported the bullies they found other sneaky underhanded ways of making her life a misery.

    My daughter is very small for her age.

    If you can never retaliate unless you have to, always try to walk away with a smile, even laughing at them after giving them the look (you know the one, as if they are piece of doggy do).

    My daughters come backs;

    Your the south end of a north bound camel. (the camels backside) This one worked well, usually having the boys rolling around laughing at the girls not getting what she meant.

    Your so dumb that you can't think for yourself, and that is why you have your trolls to prop you up.

    If your so cool, why is it that you have to ask the "girls" what they think, or what you should do, that just means your dumber than doggy do.

    You have a face like a half sucked aspro (aspirin).  

    Better to be skinny than fat, because if your fat now what will you be like in years to come?

    Have you looked in the mirror lately? As you ain't no model.

    She had a ton of others, and if the bullies tried to get her into trouble for being a being mean, my daughter nearly always had a witness to prove they the bullies started it.

    My daughter now has a sharp wit, and is the queen of classic come backs.

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